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Waldron Shale Roadcut In Southern Indiana?


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I keep hearing about a roadcut containing the Waldron shale, in southern Indiana. Seeing as I'm in southern Indiana, I would like to hunt there but can't find it. Have any of you heard of this place, any of your friends maybe?

Also, does anyone else know of any Waldron exposures in my area, perhaps?

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We all wish we knew. unfortunatly the waldron is only 10 ft or so thick in Indiana and outcrops are hard to find anyways in central and south central indiana. Your best bet would be to find a geologic map and find road cuts and creek cuts. It will take alot of leg work.

My Flickr Page of My Collection: http://www.flickr.com/photos/79424101@N00/sets

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Only ten feet thick, wow, but that's about how large the place I currently hunt is, so I guess this shouldn't surprise me. Thanks. I'll see what I can do.

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