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Finding Fossils In Corsica, Europe?


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Hi there,

Yeah I know this is not a european site, but I'm gettig desperate, so I try everything! ;-) In my holidays I'm going to visit Corsica, a big island which belongs to France. We are passionate fossilhunters, but the only place I found on the internet is Bonifacio(fossil shells).I think there should be more fossilsfor example in the north, because it's a Jurassic layer overthere. Is there someone who can help me here?

Thank you & with kind regards,

Esther from Holland

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I have no first-hand knowledge, but there are some clues in the Geology section of this article: LINK

Maybe it will be useful. :)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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Thank you very much Bill and Auspex! I searched the internet and did find this too (but I'm still gratefull that you replied). After a long seatch it seems there are some really nice Echinocorus to find on Corsica. When I do, I will post some photos overhere! :-) Greetings, Esther o/

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