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Meherrin / Murfressboro N.C.


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I was wondering if anyone has any tips on fossil hunting around Murfressboro N.C. and the Meherrin? I'm going to stop by this Saturday for a little shovelling and shifting but don't have much info on the area. Any info would be great!



Fossil stuff in Blog

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I've only been there once and basically you need a boat if you want to get around at all. We found a few things near shore but all the good stuff is found by diving. I didn't dive but I have seen some of the stuff that can be found diving there.

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I've only been there once and basically you need a boat if you want to get around at all. We found a few things near shore but all the good stuff is found by diving. I didn't dive but I have seen some of the stuff that can be found diving there.

Thanks for the info, I'll ponder about throwing the dive gear in the truck but probably won't. My main task is to haul the kids to Busch Gardens with a stop at Murfressboro the next day. With the unfamiliarity of the area and water I'll just ask visit around town and probably dive it in the future with MegHead someday.


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I am planning a trip to the Meherrin River does anyone know the depth of the river? I understand there are sandbars in the river. Any help would be appreciated.

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I don't know about fossil hunting at Murphreesboro but I would like to relate an amusing incident that happened to me some 40 years ago near Murphreesboro. The wife, kids an I were on the way to Mt. Ida to collect quartz crystalls and several miles outside of Murphreesboro we found a Peach Stand on the roadside. We pulled in to buy some fresh Arkansas peaches and I struck up a conversation with the elderly gentleman running the stand. As it was about lunch time I asked the old fellow where was a good place to have a picnic lunch. He quickly responded "the Nares". I didn't understand him so I asked again and responded again more loudly "The Nares!". What he was saying made no sense to me so I asked the third time. He looked at me like I had lost my senses and said very loudly, "The Nares, The Nares, best place in 4 counties for a picnic". I thanked him, beat a hasty retreat to the truck and left to resume our trip. In the truck my wife asked me what all the noise was about and I related my conversation about a picnic location. About that time we had entered Murphreesboro and I immediately saw a road sign pointing the way to the "Narrows Reservoir Dam and Park. Ah, I said now I know what the "Nares" is. We turned and went to the Narrows Reservoir Park and we did have a great picnic site. The best in 4 counties.


The Eocene is my favorite

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