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Has Anyone Been Venice Beach Florida


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Going to Tampa in a few weeks and I saw on the internet that Venice Beach was a great place to hunt teeth. Has anyone been there? Is it worth the extra drive to look for teeth?

Any information would be great.

Thanks, Dwayne

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I am sorry, I just first day on this site, but I have seen already some pictures of huge teeth which were found at the place you are going (by diving). Can't find the link unfortunately to show you. I hope you will be lucky enough to find anything. Good luck!

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If you are beach combing, you will be able to find some teeth where the surf breaks, but they aren't going to be very big teeth. If you really want to find some teeth, you're going to have to dive for them. I suggest (if you're certified) booking a charter. That'll be your best bet to find more teeth and megs.

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Hi there I was there in October last year and find some realy nice teeth just 5 meters from the beach I buyed a scoop and bring my sift from holland you have to feal with your feet till you find some gravel dig this up and sift it I found several hundreds of teeth also a small megalodon

Have fun greats Arien van Oord

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Where ever you end up a good place to check also is your parking lots. If you stay in cabins or such the lots are usually filled with mine burden. This contains lots of small shells and teeth. Not always the best of shape as they go trough machinery and chips and or breaks some of them... I did manage to find a few nice ones on my visit to Longboat key area north of venice bch..

As Arein said take some kind of sifter and maybe a colander and sift up the gravels at low tide. You will find a lot of smaller teeth. Also as he said use your feet I found literally 50+ small whelks shells in the sand about waist deep at Venice bch... Jeff

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Venice Beach? Just look down. The teeth are not huge, but theyre everywhere. For the mostpart, the teeth are worn from tumbling to and fro with the tides. But, If youre looking for anything over a half to 3/4 of an inch, Yeah....not worth the drive, unless youre a die hard & are gonna work it for many, many hours, or Days. there are lots of folks down there, with the same goal. Its all about how bad ya want it! C= good luck 2 ya!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There are plenty of small teeth (1" or less) at Venice Beach also Caspersian Beach. A collander or large kitchen strainer will work for infrequent hunting, Go at high tide and work the water line.

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