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New blast pile at the quarry

Northern Sharks

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Well I must say that I had a very good day at the quarry on Saturday, probably my best of the summer. There was a fresh blast pile and the hunting was easy. The downside was that there hadn't been any rain, so the pile was still quite dusty. Crinus, who made the trip as well, said that if it had rained, we probably would have done twice as well. Gotta save some for next weekend I guess. Here's the booty

1) My first cystoid, Amecystis laevis

2) Shortly after, my 2nd, 3rd and 4th cystoids, Pleurocystites squamosus (5th and 6th also from the same rock, not pictured though)

3 & 4) Crinus found it, but let me have it: Ceraurus trilobites. Positive on matrix, a loose positive that was only discovered during cutting (not pictured) and the mating plate with the double negatives

5) Another Isotomocrinus tenuis crinoid

6) 1 of several small crinoids

If this is what Crinus called an OK day, I'll be doing the rain-dance later this week. I'd love to see his idea of a great day. :o







There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Beautiful fossils! I'd say an excellent day at the

quarry. I love cystoids, but never have found a complete

one like yours.

Welcome to the forum!

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Splendid finds for the canooks! That looks like a soft black shale...I'd love to find and microblast specimens like that.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Guest solius symbiosus

Really nice!!! I love those cystoids; I've yet to find one from the Ord. Too, the Ceraurus. They are very rare around here.

I'm going to have to make a road trip up there one of these days.

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Good stuff there, Sharks. I know I'd go home happy with all of that. It was awfully nice of Crinus to give you some freebies too.

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You had better start doing that rain dance. I don't see any rain in the forcast. There is also the possibility that the pile will be gone by the weekend. It was a small blast and if they work hard, it could be gone. Rain would stop them from working on the pile.


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Beautiful little fossils! :wub:

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Congratulations!! i would like to congratulate you not for the fossils, which are very nice anyway, but the great outcrop that you are enjoying!!! I hope that you will go on finding new specimens and showing to us the pictures!!!

By the way great ceraurus!!

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Really great finds!! I want to go to this quarry. I hope you have a good sand blaster to clean them up with... you could get really great display specimens out of that stuff.

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