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Eastern Utah Geology And Exposures In Duchesne County


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Uintah county in Utah is quite famous for the incredible dinosaur quarry. Does anyone know what happens to the strata as you head west from Vernal? I have not heard of much on finds or collecting in Duchesene county and from looking at geological survey maps, I would expect there to be activity.

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I've read about Middle-Late Eocene mammals being found southwest of Vernal and different parts of the Uintah Basin. There's a lot of reservation land west and south of Vernal and BLM land too. You should visit the Utah Field House of Natural History and any rock shops in the area to get an idea of where it is permitted to collect fossils.

Edit: You should consider picking up a copy of this:

Gillette, D.D. (ed.) 1999.

Vertebrate Paleontology in Utah. Miscellaneous Publication 99-1. Utah Geological Survey. Utah Department of Natural Resources.

Uintah county in Utah is quite famous for the incredible dinosaur quarry. Does anyone know what happens to the strata as you head west from Vernal? I have not heard of much on finds or collecting in Duchesene county and from looking at geological survey maps, I would expect there to be activity.

Edited by siteseer
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The Morrison Fm west of Vernal is mostly underground... way underground. It outcrops near Vernal because the Uinta Mtns north of town have pushed it up. The Morrison is exposed all along the southern edge of these mountains in NW Utah and NE Colorado. There is more Morrison once you get towards Price where there are other uplifts. And yes, there is a LOT of BLM and Reservation land out there. Be careful... better yet... do your homework and get permission if you really want to collect dinosaurs out there. There are a few private and commercial dinosaur outfits collecting in this area. Mostly thought, thsese folks don't want to attract attention to where they are digging... which is just the opposite of the Park Service's goals, this may be why you never hear about them.

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