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I Would Like Some Help Understanding Geological Maps, Please.

Royal Payne

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According to the geological map of Arkansas that someone linked me to on my

'Are These Shell Impressions' thread, I think I am searching for fossils in the 'TJ Jackson Group' part of Jefferson County, Arkansas (the bright orange area). The map explanation says that this means 'Eocene'.

I have a couple of questions about this.

#1: How old would that be?

#2: Is this just for the surface of the ground, or would this change if you dig down a few feet?

#3: What does 'TJ Jackson' mean?

In short, this newbie would like a tutorial about how to read this information. Any help would be appreciated. :D

Snowflakes aren't the only things that hold beauty in their diversity. -- Author Unknown

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Oh, the "TS Jackson Group" is a group of rocks that is similar in composition. It denotes something larger than formation, but smaller that a series.

2012 NCAA Collegiate Round Ball Champs; and in '98, '96, '78, 58, '51, '49, and '48, too.

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Thanks for the link, and thanks for the explainations! I've learned a lot; I understand the map now. :D

Snowflakes aren't the only things that hold beauty in their diversity. -- Author Unknown

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