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Texas Ammonmites


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Recently I 've encountered several people from Texas at my store who have said they can hunt for ammonites on public lands in Texas. One individual said he found an ammonite 20" wide. A fanmily said there is a lake in Texas that is full of ammonites and whenever the rains come they are laying all over. Any ideas where these places are or if they really even exist?

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These places do exist in the great state of Texas. There are a lot of ammonites down there, and many would probably go 20" or better. The kicker is that (like with most big fossils) finding one mostly complete, or even a part of one in "good" condition is not easy at all.


For one species to mourn the death of another is a new thing under the sun.
-Aldo Leopold

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I think that they are refering to Lake Texoma, on the TX/OK border. A great number of the lakes in TX do have some fossils along the shore line.

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I would say between Fort worth and Waco park on the side of the road where the hwy's cross the rivers and walk the edges or use waders. Take a few tools and look in the river beds and walls. I have seen massive ones, but they are to heavy to carry out. Had all three of my bags searched and charged for being over weight on the flight back home :) had lots of goodies.

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Thanks fro all the help folks. I tried to respond to responses individually but could not send them. I'm not too computer saavy.

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Yes, Lake Texoma has quite a few ammonites to share. Just make sure you know where you can or cannot collect from on the lake, as some of the land is controlled by the Corps and collecting is not allowed.

Fossils are simply one of the coolest things on earth--discovering them is just marvelous! Makes you all giddy inside!

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There are many many spots to access the red river below the texoma dam I have found many ammonites in the river beds, from Bonham to Denison.

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There is a gal on EBay that sells ammonites from Texas and they are huge!!!! Most are over 20"..............

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