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Recommendations For Preparators


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Hey folks,

I have a handful of fossils in need of professional attention. The gentleman who did my work in the past is currently unavailable. Anybody have suggestions?

The fossils are mostly Cretaceous echinoids along with a few paleozoic trilobites. All are in limestone and range from being in need of excavation to just a surface cleaning.

I also have a fair number of extra specimens that I would trade for the work on my best specimens.

One day I will set up my own prep lab so I can do this myself. I have a back log of specimens in need of cleaning and I am sure it would pay for itself but right now I just want to get a handful cleaned up.

Thanks in advance,

here is an example of what I need worked on: post-1875-0-39613900-1341683891_thumb.jpg


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I'd be happy to prep your fossils for you if you're not in a big rush. I'm not a professional preparator, but have been preparing my own fossils and minerals and fossils for friends for several years. Let me know if I can be of help.


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I'd be happy to prep your fossils for you if you're not in a big rush. I'm not a professional preparator, but have been preparing my own fossils and minerals and fossils for friends for several years. Let me know if I can be of help.


Thanks George,

I've already received two other offers and I am going with the first one. Depending on how that works out I will get back to you if needed. Also as I sort through my specimens and see what I have to offer up in trade for services I may take up a few of these other offers.


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