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i dont think i will ever be able to beat this day

Guest bmorefossil

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Guest bmorefossil

On the beach we had 3 lines of gravel, I took the high line because 5 feet from the boat i found a meg up there so i figured thats where all the good stuff would be, oh boy was i right. So i stayed with the high line all the way down the beach and ended up with well you see. Every 10 feet or so i would find something great, either a nice hemi, mako or meg! I cant even tell you which came first because by the time i reached the end of the beach i had 9 megs in the bag. Then i started to look in the blocks and i find 2 more megs, so thats 11, i look over and about 30 feet away i see this black thing sticking out of the block, it was a 5" meg, but when i dug at it, the broken tooth fell right out......so i found what once was a 5" tooth. Next to that block i did see a snout from something so i dug that out, but when i went back for the rest of it there was a foot of sand over where i think the block was. Then i get down to my dad and he found 3 megs and in his bag i see this huge vert!!!! from a shark. He also had a nice sized fish tail. When we walked a little way down the beach my dad gets a call on the cell so i was able to pick up the squalodon he walked over. (= Some other nice stuff we found were the dolphin teeth, seal vert, a big fish vert, a cow shark tooth, croc tooth, some nice makos largest 1 7/8", 15 megs largest 3". some associated verts, and some other great stuff. I guess i had to keep up with everyone at lee creek.

Good luck everyone






















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Megman strikes again;

What a great day!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Unbelievable, What a number of teeth for just one day. Here I dream with something like that. Especially nice the three small carcharocles . I have observed that some peaks are more pronounced. Are chubutensis?.


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I am not a tooth guy, but that day sounds like one heck of a super fossiling day. Wish I was there to help out! Heh,,heh,,,


PS(anyway I can one of those little megs from you?)

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Nice.....very nice!!! The tooth on the third row all the way on the right looks like Bone Valley material!

Looks like you need more display boxes again.


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Wow! Makes our Texas sharks look pretty wimpy.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Guest bmorefossil

spooky was that you i saw down at the beach?

i need to know who i saw at the beach, they said thefossilforum hmmmmmm, when they read my shirt.

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Guest bmorefossil

i dont know if this just makes me stupid or lucky, when i picked up my shorts just now i felt something in one of the pockets, when i pull it out its another meg!!!! this is not a lie, so that makes 15 megs, i am still shocked that i didnt feel this thing before

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i dont know if this just makes me stupid or lucky, when i picked up my shorts just now i felt something in one of the pockets, when i pull it out its another meg!!!! this is not a lie, so that makes 15 megs, i am still shocked that i didnt feel this thing before

Is there such a thing a megenvy?

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Heckuva trip Bmore. Nice stuff. All I get up here is that old Ordovician stuff ;)

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Guest bmorefossil
GREAT HAUL !! You sure faired better than I did this past weekend...Maybe I should have stayed here in MD?

thanks, maybe you should have lol

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What a day! With that kind of luck, I hope you bought a lottery ticket. Ok, you've convinced me. I've got to get a boat, which means I need a new job with some weekdays off and a lot more money.

Carpe Diem, Carpe Somnium

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Wow! What a fantastic day! I'll be in D.C. for a conference in 4 weeks and you're really making me want to sneak away for a bit... dang it...

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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Guest bmorefossil
What a day! With that kind of luck, I hope you bought a lottery ticket. Ok, you've convinced me. I've got to get a boat, which means I need a new job with some weekdays off and a lot more money.

thx mike (=

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Apparently you need a "Meg-belt". That way you're less likely to lose track of one. Besides, there's a safety issue with Megs in your shorts. :P Congrats!

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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