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I would like to know if it is possible to see the actual skeleton of thylacosmilus atrox. All the photographs and/or illustrations I have seen so far of this animal depict its skull. While I am aware that only two partial skeletons have been found so far, are the bones on display somewhere? And are there any photographs or illustrations of the rest of the skeleton besides the skull? I have seen numerous reconstruction of thylacosmilus in the flesh but I would like to see what the artists based their reconstructions on. I am grateful for any lead :)

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I looked through a couple of mammal books but nothing I have had more on where all the known remains are stored. Wikipedia notes that a skull is at the Field Museum; a skull (cast?) was, and may still be, on display at the American Museum of Natural History (as of 1996). This is the author, publication date, and title (with journal information) of the original description:

Riggs, E.E. 1934.

A new marsupial saber-tooth from the Pliocene of Argentina and its relationships to other South American marsupials. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. New Series 24: 1-32.

It's likely that you will have to go to a university library to find a copy but you could try the interlibrary loan system through your local public library.

From what I was able to find, the study material consists of at least one skull, some neck vertebrae, and some limb elements.

I would like to know if it is possible to see the actual skeleton of thylacosmilus atrox. All the photographs and/or illustrations I have seen so far of this animal depict its skull. While I am aware that only two partial skeletons have been found so far, are the bones on display somewhere? And are there any photographs or illustrations of the rest of the skeleton besides the skull? I have seen numerous reconstruction of thylacosmilus in the flesh but I would like to see what the artists based their reconstructions on. I am grateful for any lead :)

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Thank you for posting this: I wasn't aware it was possible to borrow articles this way and it turns out my local library does offer an interlibrary loan system.

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