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Shells I Found In Nsr A Few Weeks Ago


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post-498-1224868034_thumb.jpgpost-498-1224868071_thumb.jpgpost-1-1189963727_thumb.jpgpost-498-1224868449_thumb.jpgpost-498-1224868705_thumb.jpgSome have asked about what kind of shells I have found, so I am posting some that I found a few weeks back. There are alot more that what I have posted. As a matter of fact that is what you will find the most of from the river and creeks leading into it. Some areas have more than others. The echinoid Hemiaster Beecheri, I believe, in the pic is the only one like that, that I have found there. The Exogyra Ponderosa is very plentiful the full length, with a large amount every where at one location. Up to 6 or 7 inches with both valves. There are also alot of Anomia Argentaria- Pelecypod, all over the river. It just depends on what you are looking for as to the best spot to go. Hope that answers some of your questions. Sorr my camera isn't that good but maybe you can get a idea as to what can be found there.


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