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Open Access Trilobite Papers 1993–2024


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Hou, J.B., Hopkins, M.J. 2024

New Evidence for Five Cephalic Appendages in Trilobites

and Implications for Segmentation of the Trilobite Head.

Palaeontology, 67(5,e12723) Supplemental Appendix 29 pp.



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:trilowalk: Trilobite Abstracts  – Geological Society of America 2024 – Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California: September 22–25 :trilowalk:


Beech, J.D., Hebdon, N., Dorgan, K.M., Duncan, J., Bottjer, D.J. 2024

Organism-Sediment Interactions and the Evolution of a Unique Trilobite Morphology.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):17-2/402811  ABSTRACT LINK


Bourdas, S., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Comfort, D., Gaines, R.R., Paterson, J.R., Skabelund, J., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Microtomographic Study of Olenelloid Trilobite Guts from the Lower Cambrian Rosella Formation in British Columbia.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-5/404700  ABSTRACT LINK


Bradley, A., Lamsdell, J.C. 2024

Growth Variation and Developmental Sequence Polymorphism in the Middle Cambrian Trilobite Elrathia kingii (Meek).

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):29-1/401222  ABSTRACT LINK


Cerami, A., Lamsdell, J.C., Bradley, A. 2024

A Paleobiological Analysis of Mississippian Trilobites with Segmentation Abnormalities.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):65-11/401572  ABSTRACT LINK


Jordan, K.J. 2024

Ecological Shift in Proetid and Phacopid Association Through the Devonian.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):17-9/404745  ABSTRACT LINK


Jung, J., Park, T.Y.S. 2024

Three-Dimensional Landmark Analysis of Two Late Cambrian (Furongian) Trilobites, Asioptychaspis subglobosa and Quadraticephalus elongatus.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):240-4/403831  ABSTRACT LINK


Landing, E., Geyer, G., Westrop, S.R., Schmitz, M. 2024

Trilobite Mineralization, Diachronous Lowest Occurrences of Trilobites, and a Global Lower Cambrian Subdivision Standard.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-13/402484  ABSTRACT LINK


Lerosey-Aubril, R., Gaines, R.R., Botting, J.P., Del Mouro, L., Mcilroy, D., Skabelund, J., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Recurrence of Burgess Shale–Type Preservation in the Cambrian Stage 4‒Wuliuan Pioche Formation in Nevada, USA.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):274-1/403008  ABSTRACT LINK


Losso, S., Nanglu, K., Ortega-Hernández, J. 2024

Leg Flexure and Stance in the Cambrian Trilobite Olenoides serratus.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-3/402026  ABSTRACT LINK


Myrow, P., Goodge, J.W., Brock, G.A., Betts, M.J., Park, T.Y.S., Hughes, N.C., Gaines, R.R. 2024

Tectonic Trigger to the First Major Extinction of the Phanerozoic: the Early Cambrian Sinsk Event.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):274-5/402775  ABSTRACT LINK


Olson, H., Monarrez, P.M., Sperling, E.A. 2024

Middle Cambrian Fossils of Southwestern Montana in a Stratigraphic Context.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):194-3/405471  ABSTRACT LINK


Singla, G., Singh, B.P., Om, N.B., Kaur, R., Verma, V. 2024

Demarcation of Oryctocephalus salteri Biozone in the Wuliuan (Miaolingian) of the Sumna Valley, Spiti Himalaya (India).

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):245-1/403884  ABSTRACT LINK


Srivastava, S., Vargas-Parra, E., Runkel, A.C., Hughes, N.C. 2024

Evolutionary Tempo and Mode in Cambrian Upper Mississippi Valley Dikelocephalid Trilobites II: Osceolia and Walcottaspis.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-4/401971  ABSTRACT LINK


Vargas-Parra, E., Srivastava, S., Runkel, A.C., Hughes, N.C. 2024

Evolutionary Tempo and Mode in Cambrian Upper Mississippi Valley Dikelocephalid Trilobites I: Dikelocephalus.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):239-2/403237  ABSTRACT LINK


Zhou, E., Ess, M.P., Banker, R.M.W., Maciech, S.A., Tyler, C.L. 2024

Applications for 3D Scanned Fossils of Ordovician Marine Invertebrates.

Geological Society of America - Abstracts with Programs, 56(5):28-3/401300  ABSTRACT LINK


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Gozalo, R., Collantes, L., Mayoral, E.J., Liñan, E. 2024

Trilobite Biostratigraphy of the Marianian (Cambrian Series 2) from Seville and

Badajoz Provinces (Zafra-Alanís Domain, Ossa-Morena Zone, Spain): A Review.

Journal of Iberian Geology (ahead-of-print publication – in press) 19 pp.




Jordan, K.J. 2024

Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Patterns of Devonian Proetid Trilobites.

PhD Thesis, University of Nebraska, 203 pp.




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Du, K.S., Guo, J., Losso, S.R., Pates, S., Li, M., Chen., A.L. 2024

Multiple Origins of Dorsal Ecdysial Sutures in Trilobites and their Relatives.

eLife: Evolutionary Biology, 12(93113):1-22






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