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Wyoming Eocene Palms


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There are several common types of fossil wood in the Big Sandy region of Wyoming- From what I can tell, much of it is palm- but there seems to be distinct changes from location to location. For instance, my avatar is a piece of Blue Forest wood which is supposed to be palm. 50 miles away, there are fields of a red patterned wood (see image)-that looks quite different (Near the Farson fish beds). Are these different species, different geological ages or just different conditions of preservation?


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...Are these different species, different geological ages or just different conditions of preservation?

I think it likely that they may be all three; the Blue Forest material grew in an ecologically distinct environment (a warm, shallow, salty, algae-choked bayou), which also contributed to its unique preservation.

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Yeah, I think different species and different conditions of preservation, but they are all essentially the same poart of the Eocene, sopretty much the same geological age.

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