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How Would You Rate This Megolodon Tooth?

AJ Plai

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I would like an expert or enthusiast's opinions on this Meg Tooth please.

The tooth is approximately 3.6 - 3.8 inches (measured from tip to one end

of the root diagonally)

The specimen is from Santee Marl Formation - South Carolina

How is the condition of the tooth? Is it good? Would it be considered

valuable or rare? About how much would a specimen like this be valued


This is one of my first fossils and have had it for more than a decade now

and would be great to know the value in these days.

Thx a lot for the help :)






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The meg market has seen its ups and downs, and having purchased and sold many as of late, this one would be valued optimistically at $40. The condition of the tooth is what is often referred to as commercial grade. However, if you found this tooth yourself, I am sure the adventure and hunt for the meg and the feeling you had when you first laid eyes on it at the bottom of the river were priceless. I would recommend holding on to it.

Edited by DeloiVarden
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You can check out www.megateeth.com for comprable teeth. I have done some business with Bill, a fellow TFF member, and his prices are very reasonable and I think a little more realistic than ones you find on ebay or some other places. He has about every size, shape and quality you could imagine! Its definatly worth a look.

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Yea... value about $40. It's not in good shape but it's not in a very bad shape either.

" We're all puppets, I'm just a puppet who can see the strings. "

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The meg market has seen its ups and downs, and having purchased and sold many as of late, this one would be valued optimistically at $40. The condition of the tooth is what is often referred to as commercial grade. However, if you found this tooth yourself, I am sure the adventure and hunt for the meg and the feeling you had when you first laid eyes on it at the bottom of the river were priceless. I would recommend holding on to it.

I agree here. Monetarily speaking, $50 or less as already stated. If you found it, then it definitely has more value because of the memories you have the day you found it.

On a different note, the damage on both sides of the blade almost look "symmetric". At a club meeting yesterday, someone showed a similar pic of a large Mako shark tooth that had feeding damage in these same areas; they postulated that the damage was the result of the tooth getting wedged in between adjacent rib bones. If nothing else, an intersting theory.


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Thx guys! I am not going to sell it or anything. I never could let go of

the fossils I found or bought since they all have some sentimental

value of some kind. Still, I can't help but get that urge and desire

to know the value of the stuff I have regardless :)

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