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Need A Fake Matrix Recipe.


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I found a beautiful eucalyptocrinus plate a few weeks ago, and as usual my parents wanted to see what I had found. My step-father picks up the plate looks at it, and sets it down. The plate falls apart entirely.... Good going Jon... :P The actual crinoid wasn't harmed, as the matrix was loose to begin with. But now I'm scared to prep this thing because it's loose, and missing most of the arms on the opposite side (as is common), which makes this thing a bit unstable. I need a fake matrix recipe, so I can get this stablized. Crinoid queen gave me one a while back, but I'm not sure if I can find it. Does anybody know a recipe I could use for fake matrix? Preferably, one where I could incorporate real matrix?

http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream Here is the crinoid, just so you can see what I'm working with.

Edited by Cryptidsaurian
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I know I have made some pretty realistic looking rock by crushing a rock and or using sand and mixing it with 2 part epoxy. The trick is to have some rock dust to sprinkle on it as it dries so that you don't have any shine. I am sure some folks have a better idea, but thought I would throw my two cents in.

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Hey Lincoln. Your step dad is a good man. I'm sure he didn't mean to break your plate. With that said.... I'd make him fix it. :P Or make him give you that cool compass looking thing he found that day at Leon. LOL.

Finding my way through life; one fossil at a time.

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2 parts tile grout (color a little darker than your matrix) one part finely ground matrix like with a dermal and water. I literally ground mine on the side walk. Is strong water proof dries fast and soo realistic looking ;) (the before pics are on my face book page)

post-1179-0-93926400-1359243988_thumb.jpg post-1179-0-03499100-1359243991_thumb.jpg

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Hey Lincoln. Your step dad is a good man. I'm sure he didn't mean to break your plate. With that said.... I'd make him fix it. :P Or make him give you that cool compass looking thing he found that day at Leon. LOL.

I know he didn't mean to, he set it down, and about a second after his hand came off the rock disassembled. :P

Edited by Cryptidsaurian
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