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Trilobase Software.

Guest Nicholas

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Guest Nicholas

Just curious if any one uses this software for their collections? I have both a tangible journal, which is fairly messy, and computer Catalog. I think this software may be more helpful...

I'd like to here peoples opinions, good and bad...

If you can also suggest other forms of software... feel free. :)

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Guest solius symbiosus

I saw something about it on the forum somewhere. One of these days I will up grade, but at present, I still use the "old" method of pen and ink. One of these days, I will upgrade(when I have an assistant to upload the data :D).

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Guest Nicholas

My ink and paper methods are failing me, call it bad organization and penmanship.. but they are a bloody mess...

I really NEED some alternative method of organization. Preferably something which I can store on disks as well.

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Guest solius symbiosus
My ink and paper methods are failing me, call it bad organization and penmanship.. but they are a bloody mess...

I know, digital methods are so much preferable. I really have to get with the "revolution", but unfortunately, "old habits die hard"!

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Just curious if any one uses this software for their collections? I have both a tangible journal, which is fairly messy, and computer Catalog. I think this software may be more helpful...

I'd like to here peoples opinions, good and bad...

If you can also suggest other forms of software... feel free. :)

THANKS A LOT NICHOLAS,i will check it out.

also i have gravel for sale check the trade room or my posts. god hunting.

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Just curious if any one uses this software for their collections? I have both a tangible journal, which is fairly messy, and computer Catalog. I think this software may be more helpful...

I'd like to here peoples opinions, good and bad...

If you can also suggest other forms of software... feel free. :)

Yes, I use Trilobase database, it is perfect for me, all is done there, you only need put the data, and the better, it oblige to study a little bit, at least for to make correctely the taxonomy inputs.

And it is very cheap ;)

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Yes, I use Trilobase database, it is perfect for me, all is done there, you only need put the data, and the better, it oblige to study a little bit, at least for to make correctely the taxonomy inputs.

And it is very cheap ;)

Does it allow you to attach documents (pdf papers and such) to the entry?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Does it allow you to attach documents (pdf papers and such) to the entry?

Hello Auspex, I think not in my version, just the title in the Bibliography box, but yes with pictures of fossils.

But in the folder "sites" I see that it is posible.

Ask the Trilobase owner, Danny, very nice belgium guy.


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Sorry for the late reply, I was gone for the past few days.

I have used Trilobase for the past 6 months. It's a good program and I like it. I just remember one time I tried to export it to a CD, and I lost my entire database. I had to start over again, but it's alright.

I also use a notebook as a back-up system, although I have forgotten to write in the last 50 or new fossils I had come in. <_<

I also like Trilobase because I can add pictures to the fossil description.

Tha tighin fodham, fodham, fodham!

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Two thumbs up. Trilobase is a great program (essentially, a designed Access database). It's been discussed briefly in other threads on the forum. I started out designing my own database but found that Trilobase is a pretty complete package meeting my needs so, for what it's worth, it's what I now use.

As has been noted, you can add pictures of specimens and pictures of collecting sites. I haven't tried adding PDFs so don't know if you can (though the size issue, see below, might complicate things). There is a nice query function that allows you to sift and sort through your catalog of specimens. There's plenty of room to add notes about the specimens. You can print labels of different sizes which can be housed with individual specimens. The whole thing is intuitive, no real learning curve.

Danny, the designer of the program, is very accessible, returning e-mails promptly.

There are a few things that may bug you. For example, one quirk is that, if you want to have your specimens sorted in numerical order, you need to put in some leading zeroes (at least, that was my solution -- e.g., your specimen #15 could be entered as #0015). Also, particularly as you add pictures, the file can get large. But, you can certainly start another file.

Of course, unlike the old pen and paper method (note cards in boxes, ledgers, etc.), a big issue with the digital catalog is that there will surely come the day that your hard disk crashes and you lose several million years of data. Danny advised early on to back up the database file, as well as the separate folder with info about your collecting sites. Sound advice.

Besides fossils,

I collect roadcuts,

Stream beds,

Winter beaches:

Places of pilgrimage.

Jasper Burns, Fossil Dreams

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Need to clarify that my previous comments apply to version 6 of Trilobase which is Access based. A new version 7 available at www.trilobase.com is based on FireBird (if that means anything to you). According to Danny Alexandre, who's behind Trilobase, the new version generates smaller files, has a more comprehensive main screen, handles more pictures per specimen, allows grouping of fossils, and runs under VISTA. I've downloaded it, but, not surprisingly, it appears that files created under version 6 are incompatible with version 7 (I've e-mailed Danny about that and will report back). Since I was already planning to start a second file for new specimens, I guess when I do that it will be with version 7.

Besides fossils,

I collect roadcuts,

Stream beds,

Winter beaches:

Places of pilgrimage.

Jasper Burns, Fossil Dreams

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Glad to report that you can import your version 6 fossil data into the new version of Trilobase. Importing worked for me with only minor hiccups.

The resulting file appears to be 1/20th the size of its version 6 counterpart!!

Besides fossils,

I collect roadcuts,

Stream beds,

Winter beaches:

Places of pilgrimage.

Jasper Burns, Fossil Dreams

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