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Missouri Bones?


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i got this email from a guy and i cannot help him. here is the email and the pics he sent. i will send him a link to the resposes.

thanks guys.


I found these a couple of weeks ago along the Missouri river. The 1993 flood opened a 2 mile slew through land causing a large sandbar. The bones were within 100 feet of each other. The small bone has us confused. Thanks for any help Regards Wes Willis











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here is one more

I, also, am puzzled by the smallest bone in your images. If there is no trace of an articular facet, anything (within reason) is possible -- the bone has been stream-polished beyond recognition. It is the sand that made up the broad sand-bar -- being exposed from time to time, the bone is eroded by a slow slurry of sand.

The other bones seem easy enough. One is an edentulous bison jaw. The other appears to be the distal portion of a bison radio-ulna.

---------Harry Pristis



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Thanks for the help with the history of these bones. First time I ever found bones from an exstinct animal. I signed up in here, my handle is "CaveMan" Regards Wes

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glad you joined. there are often similar fossils pictured here that others have found. there is some really neat stuff to be found. glad i could help.


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Welcome to the forum. Looks like you have found a great site. Beware, though ---- Fossil hunting is highly addictive. : )

-----"Your Texas Connection!"------

Fossils: Windows to the past

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I concur with Harry's opinion.

Today was pretty good - the early bird catches the mammoth! I got a glyptodont scute, my first sloth tooth, several horse medial phalanges and teeth, a camelid cervical vert, several as yet unidentified verts, a deer antler base, several large sections of land tortoise shell, a 2/3 complete turtle shell with matrix inside, a 5 colorful 5 inch mammoth tusk fragment, a 6 inch diameter x 13.5 inch x 17 pound section of mammoth tusk, mammoth or sloth humerus or femur head, a horse hoof core, small mastodon or gomphothere tooth fragment, and various odds and ends. The down side was that I had engine trouble 10 miles downstream from my put-in...could have been uglier but I was able to limp back upstream barely bucking the current. I'll give my engine a little love and resume this addictive crusade ASAP.


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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