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I wonder if a group of Sasquatches ever came across some lost hunter's tracks and started the legend of "Little Foot"?


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Do y'all really think we will find Bigfoot while we are out at the NSR? CLICK HERE

...that depends on who shows up to go hunting. :P

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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...I can feel it in my bones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just hope we aren't feeling chilled to the bone! I can't wait either. I wonder how long of a drive its going to be for me...oh well, as long as I've got my caffeine in before we get there, I'll be good to go.

I've a got a feeling Sunday is going to be a very good day!


I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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...oh well, as long as I've got my caffeine in before we get there, I'll be good to go.

Too much coffee, and I'm definitely good to "go". :P

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Too much coffee, and I'm definitely good to "go". :P

Oh goodness....mental image! Unfortunately though...I know exactly what you mean. Perhaps that is what the toilet paper suggestion was all about. :rofl:

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Oh goodness....mental image! Unfortunately though...I know exactly what you mean. Perhaps that is what the toilet paper suggestion was all about. :rofl:

Hay, you could do use what my son used once, POISON OAK LEAVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o

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I think we better nominate someone to bring some jewelweed. Ouch...Poision oak!

Once, during a family vacation, my twin brother had to do some business behind a bush while hiking. He wiped with poision ivy...it got everywhere.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Dress warm, it is going to be in the upper 20's Sat. night so it will take a while for it to warm up. It is suppose to get up to the low 60"s for the day so layer, so you can shed some when it does.

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Dress warm, it is going to be in the upper 20's Sat. night so it will take a while for it to warm up. It is suppose to get up to the low 60"s for the day so layer, so you can shed some when it does.

When the sun gets up, it should get warm down on the river. It always seems to be warmer down on the NSR than up where the wind is blowing!


"No matter where you go, there you are!"

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Ah yes, I think what I will do is wear a long sleeve shirt under a sweater turtleneck. I am then going to put a jacket overtop. Hat to cover the ears of course. If I need to, I can always peel layers off and wrap around my waist. Oh yes, I've got this one planned out.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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brrrr - tj is bugging me to take him somewhere the long weekend of thanksgiving. i remember last year one time he had me out with him somewhere and he was finding septaria and breaking them and they had ice inside of them. i don't mind suffering for cool fossils, but suffering for septaria isn't my idea of a good time.

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"Suffering for Septaria"; wasn't that an alternative rock band out of Liverpool?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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"Suffering for Septaria"; wasn't that an alternative rock band out of Liverpool?

I think I remember some of their songs:

Of course the self titled "Suffering for Septaria"

"Ice, ice 9, baby"

"A fool for your fossils"

"TJ blues"

"Is it Whiskey Bridge or Stoner City?"

"Which one has the ammonite?"


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""Suffering for Septaria"; wasn't that an alternative rock band out of Liverpool?"

liverpool, braunschweig, i can't remember...

what's an "alternative rock"? one that's equally acceptable to the one you're holding to use for bopping a septarian nodule? i need to drag out tj's septaria and take a picture or two. he's got some fairly spiffy ones, like with little calcite flowers growing in them, etc.

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""Suffering for Septaria"; wasn't that an alternative rock band out of Liverpool?"

liverpool, braunschweig, i can't remember...

what's an "alternative rock"? one that's equally acceptable to the one you're holding to use for bopping a septarian nodule? i need to drag out tj's septaria and take a picture or two. he's got some fairly spiffy ones, like with little calcite flowers growing in them, etc.

Ok, so where are they, I want to see.

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Dress warm, it is going to be in the upper 20's Sat. night so it will take a while for it to warm up. It is suppose to get up to the low 60"s for the day so layer, so you can shed some when it does.

You think that is cold ,bone digger and I are going out this Sunday and the weather may be just above freezing.

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would somebody please write "tracer wasn't here" in the taylor mud for me? thanks. geographically challenged. grumble grumble.

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would somebody please write "tracer wasn't here" in the taylor mud for me? thanks. geographically challenged. grumble grumble.

I do that for you Tracer, I know we sure will miss you while WE are finding all the goodies! :D

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It is not too bad so far...although we have dropped nearly 15 degrees in the last four hours. It is really windy. Sunday should be fun and C O L D. Aye, but it won't last long.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Well, I dont know when I will be able to get on this forum again today...I have all my family at my house today and knowing my luck, all the men will be playing WoWarcrack into the night. So, I will see y'all tomorrow morning and if anything changes, please give me a call. mommabetts should have my cell. Now to go charge it!

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Hope to see everyone at NSR at 9 am in the morning.

See you all there! First stop Starbucks!

"No matter where you go, there you are!"

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