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Anyone know any spots in the Plano area? My daughter (6 yrs) and I would like to hunt close by. I don't mind NSR, the drive is a little long for her some times.


"No matter where you go, there you are!"

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Anyone know any spots in the Plano area? My daughter (6 yrs) and would like to hunt close by. I don't mind NSR, the drive a little long for her some times.



Lots of folks hit Post Oak Creek in Sherman for sharks teeth. I take my kids there when we are up visiting family over Christmas.

Access is really easy - just exit south Travis, drive to the bottom of the hill, cross the bridge and park.

I've found lots of teeth right under the bridge. Usually we take a strainer to sift through stuff, but there is always a tooth or a dozen just sitting on top of the sand.

Also, on a light traffic day you could head out to Lake Worth and look for stuff on the west side, across the water from the JRB. Lots of cretaceous stuff in the area.

Happy hunting.


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You might try tracing the Eagle Ford (Kef) - Austin (Kau) contact zone for shark teeth. On the map it's where the blue meets the green. Approximately 1-2 miles west (depending on topography) of this contact zone the Kamp Ranch limestone should crop out if not obscured by topsoil. Any new construction or deep digging in this region would be worth checking. Also the lower half (westernmost) of the Eagle Ford has very fossiliferous patches with crabs and ammonites galore.

Collin county geo map (click)

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You might try tracing the Eagle Ford (Kef) - Austin (Kau) contact zone for shark teeth. On the map it's where the blue meets the green. Approximately 1-2 miles west (depending on topography) of this contact zone the Kamp Ranch limestone should crop out if not obscured by topsoil. Any new construction or deep digging in this region would be worth checking. Also the lower (westernmost) part of the Eagle Ford has patches of very fossiliferous areas with crabs and ammonites galore.

Collin county geo map (click)

So are you saying that along this entire contact zone" which is pretty long" that 1-2 miles west the Kamp ranch should be there?

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1-2 miles is just a guesstimate, I haven't actually scouted it up there yet. I believe the Kamp Ranch can be traced all the way south to Austin as well. ^_^

So are you saying that along this entire contact zone" which is pretty long" that 1-2 miles west the Kamp ranch should be there?
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Thanks Lance, I'd love to find a ptychodos tooth or associated set in the matrix from the Kamp Ranch. It doesn't hurt to dream!

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Wow, thanks to all! Now we can go out for a quick hunt! We will post pictures!


"No matter where you go, there you are!"

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Wow, thanks to all! Now we can go out for a quick hunt! We will post pictures!


To back Lance up I've heard from a couple of folks that grew up in the area that their dad's used to take them out to the Preston Road area look for all sorts of cret fossils.

Unfortunately they don't recall enough to narrow it down for guys like us that are trying to take their kids rock hunting...

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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To back Lance up I've heard from a couple of folks that grew up in the area that their dad's used to take them out to the Preston Road area look for all sorts of cret fossils.

Unfortunately they don't recall enough to narrow it down for guys like us that are trying to take their kids rock hunting...

If this is off of 121 and Preston, might be a good place to hunt as there is a lot of construction going on out there with new homes/apartments to be going up over the next couple years. Might be worth looking in to. I dont ever go out on 121 b/c of the traffic and I am boycotting the toll mess, so I cant be certain.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Along 121 they were putting in all those bridges and you could tell they were cutting through the Kef-Kau because the fill used to the southwest was hard blue-gray clay (upper Kef) and the fill to the northeast was chalky white limestone (Kau). I scoured many piles at various points but didn't find a single fossil. :mellow:

Just 15 years ago Hwy 121 was a simple county road with basically a single liquor store between Lewisville and McKinney.

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Along 121 they were putting in all those bridges and you could tell they were cutting through the Kef-Kau because the fill used to the southwest was hard blue-gray clay (upper Kef) and the fill to the northeast was chalky white limestone (Kau). I scoured many piles at various points but didn't find a single fossil. :mellow:

Just 15 years ago Hwy 121 was a simple county road with basically a single liquor store between Lewisville and McKinney.

I remember when they first put in Vista Ridge Mall and it was the only thing for miles...it was like a beacon in the night while traveling on I35. I also remember when all that land that now contains all those stores and strip malls and resteraunts was just Lewisville Lake swamp lands.

Just to tease Lance, funny you mention the liquor store. He he he :)

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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I remember when they first put in Vista Ridge Mall and it was the only thing for miles...it was like a beacon in the night while traveling on I35. I also remember when all that land that now contains all those stores and strip malls and resteraunts was just Lewisville Lake swamp lands.

Just to tease Lance, funny you mention the liquor store. He he he :)

Funny, I remember that exact liquor store from visiting friends in 1993, too... hic

I couldn't believe we had to drive that far from his apartment to buy beer! :faint:

What is geology? "Rocks for Jocks!"

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