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The Megatooth Shark Hypothoses

Harry Pristis

What do you think about the affinities of these megatooth sharks?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your reaction to the unresolved taxonomy of megatooth sharks?

    • I don't want to change all those labels when everyone recognizes "megalodon."
    • I like to think about the evolutionary relationships of fossils I collect.
    • I don't like to get bogged down in the taxonomic details.
    • All these scientific names hurt my brain.
    • I try to keep current with the the scientific arguments about the evolution of sharks.
    • I don't want to know more and more about less and less -- I just want that honkin' big tooth!
    • Taxonomy is all Greek (and Latin) to me!

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Great poll Harry, I personally think it falls along the Otodontidae family.

What does everyone else think?

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This is an experiment to see how this poll feature works. Did I miss any reasonable possible responses?

--------Harry Pristis :shark:

I side on the Carcharocles megalodon camp, but not fervant enough with my beliefs to get vexed with anyone

on the opposite side of the argument.


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Carcharocles until someone can convince me otherwise.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish when you're supposed to be doing something else

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Wow only 8 votes and 3 posts guess most of our members don't care about the taxonomy of this shark Harry, seems odd considering this is the most popular fossil I know of.

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i would love to have an opinion about the name status of said shark tooth but i know absolutely nothing about shark teeth. i only own a hanfull of shark fossils. and only two or three of those i was fortunate enough to find myself.

i guess i will still vote with my other fossils in mind.


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Brock in the spring Cris and i will be gathering up material from the river bottom that has shark teeth and fish teeth and many other small fossils in it, if you would like I will send you some.

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that is not needed. i hope to come to florida sometime in the next year or two. when i am there i plan on hooking up with many friends, like you, get as many fossils as i can.

on the other hand i love to trade fossils so if there is anything on my site that interests you or anything in particular that you want let me know i have many, many fossils that i can trade.


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YEAH !!! I just like to collect things that interest me . A shark is a shark and a gator is a gator to me, I'll let the PHD's tell me what it is. It's just fun to me. :Thumbs-up:


It's my bone!!!

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Wow, that is a fantastic skull! You mind if I ask if you found it or was it a purchase?

Welcome to the forum!

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