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Not Realy Sure Mabey A Trace Fossil

dr heckle

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As the topic title entails im not realy sure what to think of this one I would like to say fossil but its like nothing ive come across at this site before ( the "object" :P was found along some sandstone cliffs in east gippsland victoria age approximately 11 mill) but if its geological what could casue such a near perfect pattern, in the two photographs i have higlighted one as the pic dident realy highlight just how uniform the indentations are or the fact that going up the middle and cutting the cross ways lines in half is a line of lighter coulored sandstone (higlighted in white) i dont know it could be just an uncanny natural occurence but it just looks to uniform to me any ideas ;)

ps. its good to be back what with school exams and all i havent had much time for the forum anyway its good to be back and posting :Dpost-587-1226059567_thumb.jpgpost-587-1226059667_thumb.jpg

a heckle a day keeps the doctor away

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hard to tell. maybe zoom and crop a bit more and put it back. have you found any other trace fossils there?

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hard to tell. maybe zoom and crop a bit more and put it back. have you found any other trace fossils there?

now that you mention it i hadent realy thought of it till now but in the area where i found this i have found dozens of filled in worm burrows but they are usualy filled with this funny looking grey clay and are no where near as stable as this for example i havent been able to collect any because they literely crumble as you even touch them this is full hardened sandstone its hardened to the point where its hard to scratch it even with a well sharpened pocket knife :mellow:

a heckle a day keeps the doctor away

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well, if you find the rest of that thing, and there are 108 of the sets of marks, then it's the imprint of the stitching from a paleo baseball.

but on a more serious note, the voids seem to be weathered/deepened, perhaps by water erosion at some point in the past. so if they were trace impressions, they appear to have been eroded to the point where it may be difficult to verify that, which unfortunately seems common with a lot of potential fossil impressions.

but then again, i don't really know what i'm talking about with sandstone impressions from a fair distance away from my haunts, so maybe someone else here will have a better thought...

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well, if you find the rest of that thing, and there are 108 of the sets of marks, then it's the imprint of the stitching from a paleo baseball.

Thanks a lot Tracer! I laughed so suddenly at this that I projected Diet Pepsi all over my new monitor! :D

Kevin Wilson

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Just to present an observation:

The pattern seems to "spiral". Imagine a 3-D coil spring embeded in plaster; dissolve the spring and split the plaster...could yield a similar pattern.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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Just to present an observation:

The pattern seems to "spiral". Imagine a 3-D coil spring embeded in plaster; dissolve the spring and split the plaster...could yield a similar pattern.

good point i hadent realy thought of it in the 3D but when you think about it makes sense

a heckle a day keeps the doctor away

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thanks everyone for the great advice i would never have thought of some of this stuff on my own

a heckle a day keeps the doctor away

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