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Curious About My Fossil


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Some of you know about the Orthoceras fossil I obtained as my first fossil. So I have had a few emails wanting to buy it I am not interested in selling it but I am curious of the value as well as where to get more of them or fossils like it. I kniw this hobby has a trading side to like others so id like to know a range should I decide to trade for something else.

Can in pic is for scale but its over 3 feet wide and about 2 tall.


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Orthoceras are probably the most common of the Moroccan fossils on the market.

It is only when they are sold in plates like this that they bring any real money, based on its size and after comparing it to other ones for sale at the moment I would imagine its retail would be around $500 but this could vary quite a lot depending on where you would try to sell and who you would sell it to.

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Thanks, I tried to look up information myself but most I found where a lot smaller than mine. Then I found some with my dimensions for $2200, but figured that was crazy. I traded some nascar autographs I had laying around for it because I loved the look. Like I said though I had some interest in it so I wanted to know. Thank you again!

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I picked up one a little larger than that 2 years ago in Tucson for $75.00. The guy had the best prices of all the Moroccan dealers.

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I picked up one a little larger than that 2 years ago in Tucson for $75.00. The guy had the best prices of all the Moroccan dealers.

Tell me about it, the shipping alone would be double that!

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