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Hunt In T Minus 2 Hours Approx!

Guest Nicholas

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Guest Nicholas

I'm going after that nice, unnamed specimen that I left at my Carboniferous site last week. I'll be going with help and a truck to get it back home. I believe I'll be spending about an hour there as well checking out 2 spoils piles I neglected on my last trip. I will post pictures on my return home, as well as some pictures of the site itself. Lets home I find some good and large specimens than I have been.. perhaps even an insect or leaf impression. :) Wish me luck!

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Guest Nicholas

Well I just got back, more then half the crop has been carted away in trucks and dumped into the ocean... including my specimen. Not only that because of the work I was not allowed on the site at all. So needless to say I'm very disappointed, it was every bit as good of quality as some of the specimens I've seen in the museums around there. I hate that they were just dumped in the ocean.

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Sorry to hear that. It's tough to be expecting to come home with a cool fossil and not being able to make it happen.

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Guest Nicholas
Sorry to hear that. It's tough to be expecting to come home with a cool fossil and not being able to make it happen.

Very, Apparently they started work at 5 am and had most of the site trucked away by 11am. Very discouraging seeing as how, due to clause in NS fossil hunting laws, I am only allowed to hunt construction sites... and with my island being in a economic down turn such sites come up only every few years. So I'm up the creek without a fossil paddle.

I'm back to buying fossils for a the long term it seems.

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Very, Apparently they started work at 5 am and had most of the site trucked away by 11am. Very discouraging seeing as how, due to clause in NS fossil hunting laws, I am only allowed to hunt construction sites... and with my island being in a economic down turn such sites come up only every few years. So I'm up the creek without a fossil paddle.

I'm back to buying fossils for a the long term it seems.


Not too many in-ground swimming pools going in there, eh?

Keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground! Make friends at the construction permit office!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Guest N.AL.hunter

Time to learn how to dive!! Too bad about the specimen. But lesson learned, next time don't wait even if it means going at night using headlamps. There is a saying in the Antique's Business: The Best time to buy an antique is when you see it. I say we can now say: The Best time to collect a fossil is when you see it.

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Guest Nicholas

I would have gotten it but, I needed a truck and 2 other guys to be able to lift it. No one wanted to go out of their way for "Rocks." -_-

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well, hernia fossils are in a class by themselves. there are going to be disappointments. tj and i hiked 4.5 miles today through rough terrain to checkout a place we thought might be good, and it wasn't. just kept reminding him that it was an adventure.

<singing, in a very soulful voice> that's life. that's what people say... you're ridin' high in april - shot down in may."



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Guest Nicholas
well, hernia fossils are in a class by themselves. there are going to be disappointments. tj and i hiked 4.5 miles today through rough terrain to checkout a place we thought might be good, and it wasn't. just kept reminding him that it was an adventure.

<singing, in a very soulful voice> that's life. that's what people say... you're ridin' high in april - shot down in may."



Well my first attempt of moving it had my back messed up for a good amount of time.

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Thats harsh. How far out in the ocean did they dump them? And for what purpose? I'd dive for those fossils, but seeing how I'm a 3rd gen Floridian, I'd freeze and die before I left the boat.

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Guest Nicholas
Thats harsh. How far out in the ocean did they dump them? And for what purpose? I'd dive for those fossils, but seeing how I'm a 3rd gen Floridian, I'd freeze and die before I left the boat.

They drop in a deep no dive zone. As for a purpose probably building that deep spot up so they can place armor stones there, it is in a very eroded area.

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They drop in a deep no dive zone. As for a purpose probably building that deep spot up so they can place armor stones there, it is in a very eroded area.

So, they are creating a reworked deposit. This will probably resurface on the Forum a couple million years from now as a very puzzling assemblage! (Should we pin this thread for their convenience?) :P

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I agree, it is too bad you didnt get to bring anything home.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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well, for the price of a piece of land, a backhoe, and a dozer, you could go on a lot of hunting trips. in my earliest fervor over fossils, i actually contemplated buying some fossil land. i even found at one point that a relative famous locality was up for sale. but then i remembered how i really don't tend to like being the same place twice in life, and figured after a brief period i'd be bored with any place i had and want to see what's around the next bend in the road... i have been trying to think how i could travel more cheaply. i'm a bit long in the tooth to take off with a small-bore motorcycle and a bedroll...

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Good luck, may you find something that cant be put in a truck lol. {Pterodactyl}

also i have gravel for sale check the trade room or my posts. god hunting.

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Well I just got back, more then half the crop has been carted away in trucks and dumped into the ocean... including my specimen. Not only that because of the work I was not allowed on the site at all. So needless to say I'm very disappointed, it was every bit as good of quality as some of the specimens I've seen in the museums around there. I hate that they were just dumped in the ocean.
sorry bout the bad luck bud, next time do some demo work on the equipment to stall for time joking of course :faint:

also i have gravel for sale check the trade room or my posts. god hunting.

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