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How To: Insert Link.

Guest Nicholas

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Guest Nicholas

Do to popular demand I thought I may make a reference page for this feature. First of all a popular question that comes up is "Can you link a gallery item, or page." The answer is, absolutely! If you follow this step by step guide to Inserting Links, you'll be doing it in no time!.

Step one: The Insert link button.

First of all you can only see this button by hitting "Add Reply", the "Quick Reply" feature does not show it. The button can be found next to the emoticon button and looks like post-163-1226178900.png this. To be sure just hover the hand over the button and it will say "Insert Link".

Step two: Clicking the button.

Upon clicking the button a box will appear asking for you to paste a URL into the spot given, for the sake of experimentation I'll use a member's profile as a guinea pig. Copy the link exactly from the address bar at the top of your browser, in this case http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php?showuser=1, and past it in the box.

Step three: Another Box!

Do not be alarmed by the second box, it only wishes you to give a title so users can identify it more efficiently for example:

Instead of this:


You'll have this:

Boss of the Year.

Finally just add your reply, if you follow these instructions it should work perfectly. :)


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Nicholas! What have you done? Tracer now has a fearsome new tool at his disposal, and can now employ the powers of stealth and surprise in his cunning punning....oh, the humanity!

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Yeah, the Add Link button is not really obvious. Maybe you could change the little pic to one that looks like two chain links?





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