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Once Upon A Fossil, By The Arachnid


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ok, forget the river-tumbled basalt from an extinct volcano in south texas. that's just what we in the photograply bidness call a "stage prof". you can also forget the toe, er, i mean the phalanx, because i don't know who, um, what it came from and don't want to get off into any more contrabandersies, especially on the weekend when i haven't had a beer today. i was just wondering about that spider. anybody know what subspecies of anthropomorphistis it's from?

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Tracer I'm with you, I feel a whole lot more like I do now than I did a while ago, and that's forshore.....

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Shaped like an Orb Weaver, similar to the Cross Spider.

(Must have been cross and hungry, if all it left was a toe bone! :o )

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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look, actually, i didn't want to know about the spider. what i really wanted to know is, how do you think the baculites at the north sulphur decide which of them are going to fossilize as preserved shell filled with red sandstone and which are going to fossilize as phosphatic molds? what's up with that? oh, wait, who's that in the picture? hey, it's the spider! hi, little guy. you're on the internet now!


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Tracer that is a good question. I have been wondering that myself. I have them in brown, black, white, and red. So if there is someone out there that knows please share.

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look, actually, i didn't want to know about the spider. what i really wanted to know is, how do you think the baculites at the north sulphur decide which of them are going to fossilize as preserved shell filled with red sandstone and which are going to fossilize as phosphatic molds? what's up with that? oh, wait, who's that in the picture? hey, it's the spider! hi, little guy. you're on the internet now!


Jumping Spider...

Hairaisingus wenuseeus

Good thing you ran into a baby one. They don't eat as much as the adults... :faint:

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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