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Iowa Ideas?


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Hello everyone,

Since my Kentucky trip got snowed out (via Indiana), I thought I'd at least get in a day or two in Iowa and thought Fossil Park in Rockford, Ia was worth a revisit only to recall it's not open until Memorial Day. Help! Any good ideas for fossil spots in Iowa? I was going to try NE, Fayette County or I could change plans and head toward Keokuck.



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Good outcrops around Burlington and Keokuk of the same named formations. Lots of nice crinoid material, brachiopods and such. Fayette Cty and NE Iowa with Maquoketa is indeed another good idea. Around Elgin and Clermont (I forget if that is Fayette also) Was always a good area for me as well!

Near Ft Atkinson the Ft. Atkinson Mb of the Maquoketa if you can find outcrops has Ordovician echinoderm material (crinoids and cystoids)

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Hello all,

just back from Northeast Iowa and guess what? The weather was great! In the high 50s and snow retreating so many roadcuts were well exposed and loosened. No Isotelus the 2nd for me (for anyone who noticed my post of my first ever huge trilobite) but the foot-long to near it cephalopod bodies, heartbreakingly delicate crinoid stems, and two wee trilobites yet to be indentified. I recommend the scenery of this driftless corner of Iowa, Fayette County and environs, to Orodvician collectors and nature lovers. The bald eagle circling over the bluffs and field fulll of turkeys (it is called the Turkey River valley after all) and the fossils are mementoes from this Iowa trip.

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Ok, hoping to make it to Keokuk this weekend. Anyone have any road cuts or bluff exposures to send me to for fossils? I know it's all about geodes there, but you know this is FOSSIL forum.

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As I PM'd you the roadcuts, ravines between Warsaw and Hamilton and park in Warsaw lots of good Warsaw Fm, with crinoids, bryozoans, brachiopods and more...

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