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Beach Scouring

Beach Boy

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Can anyone offer info on when beach scouring may happen , i know how it happens but cant fathom out when it will happen.



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Dave.... There's a number of factors you need to keep an eye on...Wind direction, tide height and tide times corresponding to strong winds...On the east coast you probably going to be needing strong northerlys, north easterlys or possibly southerlys, south easterlys to move the shingle and sediments up and down the coast... a straight easterly might push sediments back inland uncovering material further out on the beach or push the tide further in and dig into the cliff more uncovering new material... obviously if its very windy and the tides out at that point then not much is going to happen to the beach so its getting all the factors working together that will uncover some new stuff... ie... a decent tide with timely corresponding strong winds....Collecting the various coves along the yorkshire coast think how certain wind directions may only push into one side of the beach and another part may be more sheltered... I used to use the shipping forecast and countyfile weather to keep an eye on possibilities and then the day to day forecasts deciding which day to collect during or after a storm...The the fortnightly high tides and spring tide dates that may also with a good wind create more disturbance on the beach and cliffs... Just be aware of whats going on really... finger on the pulse as they say...

I have always been supprised though by what I thought were calm seas creating ridges and ripples in the shingle uncovering lots of buried fossils... taking all the above into consideration remember the most important thing is you cant find any sat at home....

Edited by Terry Dactyll

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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Thanks for the advice

I have been revved up on more than one occasion after a high tide with a storm wind from the east only to walk the beach in dismay at tons and tons of sand deposited where the previous day the sand was about normal level, so i am thinking the same as you that an easterly does have the tendency to push the sand up the beach rather than pull it away , i only realised the power of the sea and complexity of wave action when i took up fossiling as a hobby and i recall a visit to Port Mulgrave when about two hundred meters of loose shale around 3ft deep and 8 ft wide disappeared from the cliff bottom in two days , awesome, I am now monitoring westerly winds with and without storm conditions to see if this creates the opposite of an easterly , and in addition to this i have on many occasions looked skyward and asked the fossil god for the occasional bit of help ,well you never know. but i do feel that the only way to find a scoured beach is to go fossiling each and every day , i'll put this to my wife , well i think its a good idea.

Thanks Again


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Dave....easterlys coupled with string wind may also release more sediments from the cliff to pile up...I think every 3 days should do you lol.... I'm not 100 % sure of the effectiveness of a westerly... Very often the beach its sheltered from the wind by the cliffs during these...

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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