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My kids found this at the farm, there was a shrub near but it died and this was then visible. If this is a real dinosaur print I will have to eat my hat.


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Whereabouts did this come from? A few close-up pictures might be useful too :)

My first impressions are I'd be cautious in assuming it's a dinosaur print; I could definitely see it being a Thyreophoran (armored dinosaur) print, but no Thyreophoran that I know of has only three toes.

Just my five cents.

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It is at the farm, were in south Australia . The most it could be is some type of megafauna right? There's not enough tomato sauce in this country that's going to make my hat taste good.

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It has a trackish shape, but seems rather featureless otherwise...

With just what we have to go on, I wouldn't call it a track of any kind.

What size is it, and do we know the age of your rocks?

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

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This is the only other pic I took of it, will be going back there this weekend to clean the farm house so can take more. There are lots of prints of all sizes up on the ridge near the house, I will look for similar ones to this.


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Looking forward to seeing more :) though at this point I'm thinking it's probably a rock feature that's playing a mean practical joke lol

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My hat and my tastebuds may be safe yet! Lesson 597, never make a bet or challenge a 5 year old.

they have a game show about that in the U.S.....I guess it's actually a 5th grader not a 5-year old, but it was mildly amusing lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

If anyone is wondering if I ever found another print like it, the answer is yes (sigh). It's about the same size. I haven't worked out what it is yet.


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