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Tj's Old Shank


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hey johnj -

that thing you found is really cool, especially since it's got that strange hieroglyphicstical code still on it. i'm no expert on such things, and thought it might be somehow reflective of the s.e. louisiana prosperity point culture, but a friend of a friend knows a guy named "vinny", who looked at the pictures and said it's an archaic pricing mark from a place called "benny bigwampum's boney blade store". the guy's never steered me wrong, so now you know, and can put a label with the info on display with the artifact.

you're welcome.

tracer the revisionist

p.s. - i'm considering changing my motto to "why know, when you can make up?"

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OK my 2 cents worth. I would say that yes it is an artifact. I have seen bone used for just about everything in the Indian culture. I also have used bone to do the same thing with. I make Indian reproductions for the re-enactments that I do. The bone would have been slit to get the marrow out, to eat, then it was fashioned into a tool, as most all bones where, nothing went to waste.

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I too think it is an artifact...but what do I know.

Tracer, I wanna go fossil hunting with you!

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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naw, s.u.t., you're too amusing. you'd be cuttin' up and fallin' on yer butt and stuff and distractin' us to where we wouldn't find nuthin' good. i will say one thing, though. tj has good eyes. but he's funny, because with his kid's heart, he readily imagines things are what he wants them to be, so he gets disappointed a fair amount when he picks them up and they aren't what he thought. fun to be around, though, and i just love it when he calls me over and seems excited about something. when he found the mastodon tooth, it was super special, because we'd both looked at them on the internet enough that we were absolutely sure what it was, so the magnitude of the moment wasn't lost on us. of course now he keeps expecting to find another one, which is a problem....

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I too think it is an artifact...but what do I know.

Tracer, I wanna go fossil hunting with you!

any and all fossil hunters that would like to go fossil hunting with tracer and his beloved and wonderful son, TJ, must make a small donation to the TJFFFMAMT. (tracer jr. foundation for free money and meg teeth.) all loving fossil hunters who donate cash will be considered to go on a once-in-a-lifetime fossil journey with yours truly. all loving fossil hunters who donate their WHOLE meg collection will IMMEDIATELY be chosen for the trip to who cares where. (as long as that meg collection is in my room.) please, don't every body rush this opportunity at once. there is plenty of room in the house for meg teeth. and money.



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any and all fossil hunters that would like to go fossil hunting with tracer and his beloved and wonderful son, TJ, must make a small donation to the TJFFFMAMT. (tracer jr. foundation for free money and meg teeth.) all loving fossil hunters who donate cash will be considered to go on a once-in-a-lifetime fossil journey with yours truly. all loving fossil hunters who donate their WHOLE meg collection will IMMEDIATELY be chosen for the trip to who cares where. (as long as that meg collection is in my room.) please, don't every body rush this opportunity at once. there is plenty of room in the house for meg teeth. and money.



I got a couple of extra quarters.

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OH! This is where you say I am amuzing...Duh.

Can I go for free? I mean, like I would totally be great entertainment for tracer...falling on my butt and all. What can I say...my knees for some reason gave out and I wasnt used to wearing rubber boots. But Shen and snakekeeper were tewible...they waughed at me. Can you believe the nerve?

I hope snakekeeper and Shen both fall on their rears for my entertainment. I WILL take pictures!

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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why isn't there a bouncer at the door to this forum to keep him out?

As you sow, so shall you reap...

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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p.s. - i'm considering changing my motto to "why know, when you can make up?"

OK, now your pullin' my leg. :P

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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