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North Sulfur River Today


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There was 5 of us, it wasn't something that was planed out it was a spur of the moment if we got rain type thing. I for one had a grear time meeting some of my fellow Fossil forum members. The weather was great, not to cold. I do wish that I hadn't gotten up to a flat on my 4x4 durango though, I was hoping to go to some of the remote places but Couldn't. I ended up driving my daughters go cart car so we had to stay pretty close the the road. I found quiet a few bone pieces. I know my mossy is in this one spot, I keep consecitively find bones in one spot after rain. They are not loose just exsposed, I have faith he is there. One day I will get all of him. I for one had a great time and hope to get together with everyone again soon.

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It's fun when you do get to go and meet the different people you have been talking with. The few trips that we have gone on, the people have been very nice and helpful for us newbies. Sounds like you all had a great time.

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It's fun when you do get to go and meet the different people you have been talking with. The few trips that we have gone on, the people have been very nice and helpful for us newbies.

I second that.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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