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Possible Fish Fin?


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Alrighty, here is what I found at NSR yesterday that I would like identified. Sorry I did not put a coin or some other thing for scale in the pic. It is about the size of a penny or nickel. I am thinking some kind of fin? What do y'all think?

The other round thing next to it looks like some kind of echinoid piece. I dont know if echinoids are found in the NSR, but I dont know what else it could be??? Is is very fragile and was found in the gravel layer in the bank ledge of the NSR along with some shark teeth. The pic quite frankly stinks, but are echinoids found at the NSR is my question of the day.

So, what do you think of the black fossil?



I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Yes echs are found in the NSR, but it doesn't look an ech to me. The pics need to closer or bigger to show more of the detail if you can.

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<sneezing>AAAACHHHOOOOO!!! what? um, oh, sorry! where'd your fossils go?!

ok, well, look. i'm thinking the black thing was from the blackened tilapia luann platter at paleoluby's.

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Okie Dokie...here is another pic of the possible fin. And I'd like to tell you tracer, that I just almost ate it b/c I thought it was one of these chocolates I am eating. :P


I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Yup - fin frag...probably from a tail

I'm glad X-man weighed in; now I might recognize the next one I see :)

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Yeah! I found a fish fin..I found a fish fin..I found a fish fin...and I bragging now?

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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Yeah! I found a fish fin..I found a fish fin..I found a fish fin...and I bragging now?

Fish fin frag-fish fin frag- fish fin frag, now say that fast 3 times!!!!!!!!

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Echinoids - I know of Hemiaster beecheri issuing from the Ozan, and Echinocorys texanus found in the Pecan Gap at the NSR. I've also heard of some worn regular echies turning up in the float.

"The NSR is like a box of chocolates - you never know what you're gonna get"


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Fish fin frag-fish fin frag- fish fin frag, now say that fast 3 times!!!!!!!!

Girl, I couldn't even read that 3 times fast!


I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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