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Are ammonites often faked and when looking to purchase, why are so many from Madagascar? Are they just extremely common there? Although I hope to find one of my own one day, I have been thinking about buying one in the meantime. Any suggestions?

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buy from texas


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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If Dan is interested in selling any he should PM me.... Or could move this to the trading and selling section? I would be extremely disappointed if I purchased one that was not in fact genuine. I just am fascinated by the ammonites and would love to have one to display... :)

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Ammonites are common in some areas , and unless they are a rare specimen, should be fairly cheap. Because they are relatively common I don't think your average ammonite would be a fake.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"_ Carl Sagen

No trees were killed in this posting......however, many innocent electrons were diverted from where they originally intended to go.

" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

"can't we all just get along?" Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacks

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Ammonites are common in some areas , and unless they are a rare specimen, should be fairly cheap. Because they are relatively common I don't think your average ammonite would be a fake.

I am seeing some for sale for pretty high prices on sites I have come across! I am not looking for anything fancy, just a good specimen with nice detail. It is a bit overwhelming what you find when you just want something simple and natural looking... lol
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I would think there would be many reputable dealers in the US. What are you looking for?

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"_ Carl Sagen

No trees were killed in this posting......however, many innocent electrons were diverted from where they originally intended to go.

" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

"can't we all just get along?" Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacks

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I would think there would be many reputable dealers in the US. What are you looking for?

Maybe you or other members could help advise me better on what I even want... lol! I just love the ammonite finds posted by members on here, and I do not care if it is a common specimen... Would like it to large enough, or in matrix large enough, that I could have it propped on some type of a stand and it would be a nice decoration. I did just find this site that does have some for sale from the USA (which is what I'd prefer.) Cost wise this is what I am often coming across. Although maybe the less appealing looking ones cost more because rare?


Edited by lissa318
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Lissa....Your always better buying something from your own country if you can... I know from a collectors perspective there will be many exceptions to this but at the end of the day I personally think it means more to you.... You also want to feel your getting a bargain lol....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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I have bought quite several Madagascan ammonites, and have never seen or heard of fakes; at least for the largely common ones like Cleoniceras that u see prepped in either opalized, rainbow colors, leaf patterns or split in halves with agatized chambers.

Though I have seen their prices can vary greatly depending on dealers, so shop around and compare prices before u buy. I have seen a pretty much identical ammonite in terms of quality and size, but with a price difference of 200-300% for no reason I could understand...

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I have bought several Madagaskar ammonities and am glad I did, I have some small ones (about 2.5 inches) and some about 5 inches. The more reflective quality the more they cost. You can get good ones for fifty to seventy five dollars. I have a couple of Madagascar Ammonites that I bought in Alberta and they were half price and still cost me 150 dollars and aren't as good as the ones from China and Hong Kong.

Don't be afraid to buy from "Crystalfound" on E-bay. Look for the ones with lots of red or orange and over three inches in dia. they are the most amazing fossils on earth in my opinion and the well will run dry. Buy all you can afford .. you won't be sorry. as soon as you get them they are worth twice or three times what you paid for them. Not that you would want to sell them but that is what they are selling for here.

They are good luck too... since I bought some ammonites from china I have found a very good ammonite site within an hour and a half of my house. a year ago I didn't have any ammonities to speak of and now I have hundreds.

Good Luck


Edited by Mr_ed
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You should go to a few rock and gem shows to see what is available first hand. It will greatly help you as you then consider anything from online dealers or ebay. I believe rocks and gem magazine has a web site with show listings for the entire country. Most shows, except the bead ones, will have fossils.

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I don't want to divert buyers away from Dan, in fact I would recommend him is you are buying US. But there aren't many faked ammonites out there though I have seen a few heteromorphs from Morocco that appear to have been carved out of plain matrix - ie. completely fake. The problem I have with most of the ones coming out of Madagascar is that they have been processed somehow - sliced, polished, or even just the aperture has been sliced flat instead of being left natural. I think pretty much everything Crystalfound is selling is processed - even the Madagascan Perisphinctes have the high points of the ribbing polished for some reason that escapes me! He also doesn't seem to know anything about the specimens beyond eg. "ammonite from Madagascar" and some things are miscategorized (common ebay problem). Personally I am not against buying overseas fossils as long as they are unaltered and and they are affordable, and preferably also have their data (though if the first 2 conditions are met, sometimes it's still worth buying considering how uncommon that seems to be, and there is a possibility the data can be determined later - it is rare that Madag. ammos come with data but it can be tracked down for well-known sources such as that).

I think the prices on that website you linked - let me put it this way - are aimed at the rich! Seems typical these days to shoot for the moon income-wise, and hope somebody bites (oops, mixed metaphors) ;)

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i actually prefer ammos from overseas... when i can go collect them myself!


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Thanks for the great feedback and input everyone! Being fairly new at fossil hunting I would love to have one that I could possibly aspire to find myself one day. :) More than likely this would happen in the US... lol The Madagascar ammonites are beautiful! I would just prefer one that looks more natural right now? I can also appreciate the business side of fossils, and can understand asking a high price if you can get it. I did get a PM and will hopefully be purchasing one from a fellow member which I am happy about too! I am just fascinated by them and am excited about having one. :)

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Look forward to seeing it and I think you made the right choice....It might be worth researching where is the nearest place to you can find your own in the future....

Cheers Steve... And Welcome if your a New Member... :)

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I have seen reasonably priced ones on E-bay

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"_ Carl Sagen

No trees were killed in this posting......however, many innocent electrons were diverted from where they originally intended to go.

" I think, therefore I collect fossils." _ Me

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."__S. Holmes

"can't we all just get along?" Jack Nicholson from Mars Attacks

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There are some on there right now... Do a search for 'Cleoniceras' and 'Desmoceras', I did just now and most of the results are affordable natural examples with pearly shell. Just watch out as some of them have unnatural squared-off apertures.

They're not huge but I don't think most of the larger ones are as nice, so they slice and polish them (I assume - would hate the thought that they will slice/polish a nice pristine nacreous example as opposed to a grotty one but worse things have happened!).

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