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Hebertella Species?


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I am trying to get a better handle on the difference between Hebertella occidentalis and H. alveata. One publication suggests that H. alveata has a "sulcus in its dorsal valve that runs to the anterior margin and has a long ventral inter area". Do any of you Upper Ordovician collectors have examples you feel confidant identifying?

Edited by erose
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Did you get a chance to look at these papers:

Klingensmith, B.C. (2011)

GIS Based Biogeography of Cincinnatian (Upper Ordovician) Brachiopods with Special Reference to Hebertella.

Ohio University, Geological Sciences MSc Thesis 134 pp.


Walker, L.G., & Pojeta, J. (1982)
The Brachiopod Genera Hebertella, Dalmanella, and Heterorthina from the Ordovician of Kentucky:
A Taxonomic Study of Nine Species and Their Stratigraphic Distribution in the Lexington Limestone and Younger Ordovician Rocks.
USGS Professional Paper 1066-M:1-17



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