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yote & wolf skulls

well, i've seen a fairly ginormus yodel dog before, and they're kind of prolific, so if one's going with likeliest, then monster yote seems thoughtful, if the setting wasn't urban. but then again, can't all of the critters mentioned be very close friends, if you know what i mean? i've read about the coywolfedness of east texas, and coydoggedness has been mentioned, so it would seem that any combination of the three would be within the realm of imagination - particularly my imagination.

so i'm going with capybara...

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...so i'm going with capybara...

...or Capy's brother Yogi...

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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you know, that guy allegedly used to cut baseballs with his shinguard latches back before he sold insurance. <chanting> cheaters never prosper. cheaters never prosper.

my brother used to say that. but from casual observations of the world, i'm fairly convinced he was wrong.

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Okay, lets rule out gray wolf since my trusty Petersons Field Guide shows its range to be nowhere near the Lone Star State, which I'm assuming is where the skull was found. The native red wolf has been extirpated from TX and according to the aforementioned book it hasn't been reintroduced in TX yet. Mammabets mentioned the Mexican red wolf (is this Canis lupus baileyi?) having been introduced to TX at some point, so maybe there is some slim chance that it may be this. Still, the skull would be rather small for any wolf, in my opinion, which makes me lean more towards a smaller species. I don't believe it is Snoopy since the dog, whether its a Chesapeake retriever or a bulldog and regardless of skull length, has a comparatively wider snout between the canines than does the skull in question. It would have to be much wider (> 18% of total skull length) than the one we've been debating. Here in Florida, coyotes frequent some urban areas, and have attacked dogs (on leashes) being walked by their owners in a residential neighborhood in the heart of Naples recently. I'm still going with coyote, or possibly a coydog because I can't rule it out.

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After mommabetts mentioned the Red Wolfe, that I really knew nothing about, I found this bit of information that only seems to muddy the waters even more as to the coyote / red wolf ID. Either way it is an interesting find and if no positive ID is ever reached then I will have to at that point positively ID this find as the ever popular Chupacabra (South Texas variety)

Texas Red Wolf

Thanks again,


Brian Evans

For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

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After mommabetts mentioned the Red Wolfe, that I really knew nothing about, I found this bit of information that only seems to muddy the waters even more as to the coyote / red wolf ID. Either way it is an interesting find and if no positive ID is ever reached then I will have to at that point positively ID this find as the ever popular Chupacabra (South Texas variety)

Texas Red Wolf

Thanks again,


el Chupacabra is as good a determination as any we've chewed over thus far, let's settle on it being that. There's no way we can rule it out, no literature on its osteological morphology, no reference specimens in any of our collections to compare the skull to. Plus, it would be way cool for one of us to have a skull of the goat-sucker!

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you know, this is the honest truth...i had a skull around here somewhere that i was going to compare to the one pictured when i was trying to figure it out, and i just don't know where my skull went. i'm beginning to think it magically disappeared.

guess mine was from a chupacabracadabra...

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