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Oliver And Denton Creeks In Dallas


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I've heard of the Dallas Paleo group going to Oliver and Denton creeks with good success---I'm not for sure how to get to these collecting sites though....I'm in Dallas until tomorrow---would anyone be willing to steer me in the right direction for these or other collecting sites?

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I believe they are both private sites that are limited to the occasional club trip. Respect that.

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Yup they are both private sites. Great oxytropidoceras specimens though. Maybe try to find an access point to Oliver downstream possible. Sent a PM about a possible site.

Edited by NSR King
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Well darn, I had no idea they were private sites. Not a lot of places to hunt around here for out of towners unfortunately, but at least POC is a Gem of a site! Maybe I'll have to join the DPS and try to make it up for those field trips in the future.

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i think they visit denton crk in may and oliver creek in aug


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Well darn, I had no idea they were private sites. Not a lot of places to hunt around here for out of towners unfortunately, but at least POC is a Gem of a site! Maybe I'll have to join the DPS and try to make it up for those field trips in the future.

Dan is right--Oliver Creek trip is in August on the 17th. The dues are well worth it even if you just manage to make it to one or two of the field trips on private land. Our rule of thumb is if the trip one way is less than four hours it's a day trip. More than four hours and we get a cheap motel room that has free breakfast, internet, a microwave and mini-fridge. If you ever want to go and share a room let me know. Texas is rich with fossils, but everything is long way from everything.

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