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Mississippian Crinoid


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I decided to collect fossils yesterday, so I took the day off of work to wander around the county where they have been putting in water lines. I found some possum, raccoon, and skunk tracks but the elusive turkey was nowhere to be found, and Thanksgiving is coming. I did find this rock though with a fossil and decided to take it home with me because I had to have something to show for my day off.


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that's freaking incredible! i'd be happy for a week if i found that! hang on, i'm doing the snoopy dance for you...


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Is that the way you found it, or are you the fastest prepper on the planet? Gorgeous!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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What a fantastic find! Around here there are lots of stems, some cups, and a few bulbs

but never have found a complete one!

Welcome to the forum!

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Looks like you met "medusa" on your day off! Nice find.

The human mind has the ability to believe anything is true.  -  JJ

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Is that the way you found it, or are you the fastest prepper on the planet? Gorgeous!

Yes it was found just like the Picture, the photo was taken a few minutes after I found it, just before I removed the other end of the 150 lb rock. When they back filled the water line trench they left three 150- 200 lb 8 inch thick rocks on the bank this summer, and this crinoid was in the corner of the middle rock.

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Whoa! That is a nice one. Have you IDed it yet?

Alcimocrinus ornatus Strimple, 1949,

the type is from the Fayetteville Fm (Chesterian, Upper Mississippian) of Oklahoma

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Tracer, that’s the shortest narrative I have seen you type yet, snoopy dancing with you on this one

yeah, didn't want to distract from the glory of your find. i'm still in awe.

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