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North Texas Help


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Hey guys, I could use a little help if anyone is knowledgeable about the area around Gainesville/Denton, Tx. What i'd like to know is what I need to look for when hunting echinoids and ammonites around here. Any pics of these areas that could demonstrate would be greatly appreciated. Also, if anyone has any suggestions on kid friendly collecting sites from the Oklahoma border south to around Denton or so I would appreciate those... maybe any sites if no kid friendly ones come to mind. Good luck hunting all :-)

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Use geological maps for formations and read on what is found in those formations. For echinoids, look for something round and biscuit shaped of various sizes. Found my very first one that way. Dont reccomend eating them though....

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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do research online to figure out which formations have which fossils, then use the geological map url above to find out where the formations are exposed that have the fossils in them that you're interested in. then look at google earth to locate creeks, rivers, roadcuts, etc. in the targeted areas. then go exploring. i've pretty much found that from researching on the internet, i've been able to put myself in fossil areas and find some stuff.

lake texoma shoreline has some good areas. large number of fossils up in that part of texas. try to find some duck creek or goodland formation exposures. nice hard limestone sometimes can have some very nicely preserved stuff in it. i've found a fair amount of stuff just looking on bare areas along roads up in that part of texas.

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just looked at a map. if you look at roadcuts along 380 and then over at bridgeport, you'll find cretaceous stuff and then even be getting into pennsylvanian stuff. you're in fossil heaven - just go looking a lot and you'll find all manner of things.

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I have a question, what is the law/rule on hunting road cuts? For as private property goes? Is there a public frontage?



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I have a question, what is the law/rule on hunting road cuts? For as private property goes? Is there a public frontage?



Any one can hunt road cuts that are not on private property. Any where along the road up to the fence line if there is one . The road easement. It is against the law to collect on private property without permission. The public frontage is the road easement, which you can surface hunt. Make sure you park off of the road and then just start looking but you can not dig just surface hunt.

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Thanks for the replies guys and gals. I'm in the process of scouting a few places to feel my way around the different formations. I'll let you all know how it goes.

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I have to say that Lance's pages have come in VERY handy and HELPFUL.

I can't come up with anything clever enough for my signature...yet.

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