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11/28 Trip In Sarasota

Pool Man

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Hello all! So yesterday was my 10yr anniversary. My present to my wife was to get up at 3:30 am so she could go run with the bulls at Target,and her present to me was that I didn't have to go with her and the kids to the Inlaws!

So I spent 4 1/2hrs hunting yesterday and man is she gonna kill me when she sees what I brought home. I hit a pocket of a strange dark grey clay and it was loaded with bone pieces. Everything was broken up but I believe alot of it will go back together. The more I found the more I believed that these are Mastodon bones! :faint: The 20 frags of teeth is why I believe this. Plus the couple pounds of what I believe are ivory frags. I also found the best upper horse molar and incisor yet. I'm not sure the age of all this. I've never seen this type of clay. I did find a broken meg at the bottom of the clay,so I know it could be pliocene stuff. I just hope it all goes back together so my wife dosent think I've reverted to bringing home every bone frag I dig up :rolleyes:

Thanks for looking!



Mastodon bones? I have many more frags not in the pic




Definate mastodon tooth chunks

post-148-1227973863_thumb.jpg post-148-1227974055_thumb.jpg

A couple of Verts found in the same spot.


Horse incisor


Other stuff found.

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Hello all! So yesterday was my 10yr anniversary. My present to my wife was to get up at 3:30 am so she could go run with the bulls at Target,and her present to me was that I didn't have to go with her and the kids to the Inlaws!

So I spent 4 1/2hrs hunting yesterday and man is she gonna kill me when she sees what I brought home. I hit a pocket of a strange dark grey clay and it was loaded with bone pieces. Everything was broken up but I believe alot of it will go back together. The more I found the more I believed that these are Mastodon bones! :faint: The 20 frags of teeth is why I believe this. Plus the couple pounds of what I believe are ivory frags. I also found the best upper horse molar and incisor yet. I'm not sure the age of all this. I've never seen this type of clay. I did find a broken meg at the bottom of the clay,so I know it could be pliocene stuff. I just hope it all goes back together so my wife dosent think I've reverted to bringing home every bone frag I dig up :rolleyes:

Thanks for looking!


Mastodon bones?


I love and hate those "bone puzzles"! I love it when I can put some pieces together; but, I hate it when I've made all the matches, invested the time, and what I have is still just a non-descript fragment! Maybe your luck will be better, Dan.

It seems reasonable to assume that the bone is from an elephant, perhaps the mastodon whose tooth fragments you've found. Mastodon ivory has an external shell of enamel while mammoth does not. (This enamel easily delaminates, so maybe you'll find remnants, maybe not.)

It took a high-energy environment to break up those bones and teeth. It may have been a seasonal flood which provided the energy. When the flood receded, the clay (mud) was left behind peppered with bone and teeth frags. Does that fit the physical environment of your dig?



What seest thou else

In the dark backward and abysm of time?

---Shakespeare, The Tempest


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Thanks everyone! I went back yesterday and found 30 more pieces of the mastodon tooth.I'm having pretty good luck piecing it together, but there is still alot missing and its driving me crazy,heh.

Harry, I think I figured out the deposit.Over 30 years ago a tree fell and colapsed part of the bank. All this stuff must have washed down in to this hole. I say this because I found a 1975 pepsi bottle filled with the same dark mud, deep in the hole. This creek was dredged about 60 yrs ago and everything was probably smashed and used as bank material I'll post pics as I make progress.


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Great finds! Sounds like you had a lot of fun digging that stuff up! Thanks for posting the photos.

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