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K-T Boundry


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To have a K-Pg boundary, you need to have Paleocene deposits conformably overlying Cretaceous deposits, and to visit it, it has to be exposed. For a depressingly large percentage of the planet, this is a rare set of circumstances.

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Holy Camole, I'm on a Cretaceous line! We are supposed to have shark's teeth just 6 miles west of me!

Will have to read that pdf in depth, but got to go put up a European elk mount on the barn right now. :D

The more I learn, I realize the less I know.


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Hi Bev

Auspex is quite right, and I don't think the boundary is visible in the States you mentioned, nor in your immediate vicinity. I recall that there is a site in New Jersey where it's visible (but haven't checked my reference papers for exactly where) and would guess that's the "nearest" to you.

Incidentally, Iowa has an impact structure (a subsurface crater near Manson) which was at one time believed to be the KT impact site (before we understood Chicxulub). Although originally believed to be the right age, it's too small, with the impactor believed to be about 2km across (versus 10km plus for Chicxulub). After Chicxulub was understood it was then believed to be a related impact from a fragment of the same asteroidal body and is still reported as such in some sources. Modern dating has however put the impact 10 million years before Chicxulub and the impactor seems to have been a stony meteorite rather than (probably) a carbonaceous chondrite as at Chicxulub. There's nothing visible at the surface though, apart from fragments of shocked minerals.

Edited by painshill


I keep six honest serving-men (they taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who [Rudyard Kipling]

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