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One Mans Garage In New Zealand


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Hey Gang, the one and only, the stupendous, the fossil hunter extraordinair, the super fantastic, yep, thats right, the great RB is back!!! WoooooooHooooooooooo!! Ok, enough of all that cow poop. You can always tell that im in a good mood when I throw out that much cow poop. Heh,,,heh,,,. I wont get into the Australia part of my trip cause that was moslty drinkin and cussin and eatin lots of great food. But once we got to NZ, on the first evening, I was able to check out to fellow fossil hunters collections. The first guys collection, (the guy we stayed with), had a great collection of a few things from all kinds of different sites in both the North and South Islands of NZ. He was quite the nice guy to drag us around to some of the closer sites, but more on that later. Then we drove over to this other guys house who has been fossil hunting there for about 40 years. HOLY COW does this guy have one heck of a collection!!! I didnt get pictures of all his stuff, but I did get a few pics of his drawers full of crabs and a few other things. And belive me, he has drawer after drawer after drawer after drawer of prepped out crabs! I was litterally flabbergasted!!! Here are some pics.

Oh, I see that ive got 4 messages and will get to them soon. Im also going to make several more different post to keep them seperate and not get too confusing for me.









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oh my gosh! did anybody warn MB not to look at these pictures without taking a sedative? quick, anson, DO something...

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thanks mommabetts, its good to be back. and fellas, I did talk to MB already but in the short time that we talked I had forgotten about this guys garage and all the photos I had of his stuff. I hope anson can get an abulance to MB's house soon? Ha!!


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Wow, those crabs are amazing! Are they found in round nodules like that?

Hey lance. Most are found in round concretions like that, but a few are not, and there is even the rare one that is found in no concretion at all, but those must be found before they fall out of the cliff, otherwise the ocean will quickly destroy those. I do have one that I found that is not very round, and even two other guys told me that its probably nothing, but now that I have it here at home and have done a bit of work on it, it looks to be one heck of a nice crab. If I ever get it done, I will show photos, but thats most probably 80 to 100 prepping hours away, and with my busy schedual, that could take years?


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Welcome Back! Great photo's Mb will probably do a face plant into his keyboard after seeing those. Cant wait to see what you found.

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So, you're sayin' that this guy has crabs in his drawers....

Fine way to talk about your host!

Welcome back!

I'll be pumping you for S. Island site info; there's a chance I'll get there in the spring.

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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So, you're sayin' that this guy has crabs in his drawers....

Fine way to talk about your host!

Welcome back!

I'll be pumping you for S. Island site info; there's a chance I'll get there in the spring.

Hey Auspex dude, remember that I was being driven around by my buddy and not paying too much attention, but give me a Pm later and I will give you some information.

RB, The Ronsteeeeer

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now that is one heck of a nice crab collection, those things are amazing, and the weird ones with all the spikey things WOW, and the ventral views double WOW WOW :faint:

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I can tell your in a good mood Ron! glad you had fun! and wow... that collection is just amazing!

thanks for sharing!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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