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A Crab That Must Go Back To New Zealand


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When I was staying at this guys house in New Zealand, I had taken some fossils to give to him to show my appreciation. Im the type of guy who likes to reciprocate. Anyways, he is also the same way, so besides some other good fossils, he gave me two crab concretions and asked me to prep one out for him. Once I got home I figured I should get his out of the way so that I could enjoy mine without any interuptions or feelings of guilt, and I did find a few and have more coming throught the mail. YeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! Here are some pics of the prep process. Its not done yet, I still have to detail it and finish with a light touch of bicarboinate of sodium, but then I can do mine. In fact Ive already got two of them started. More pics soon?

Jeesh, if I had a brain I would be dangerous. In the first pic, the front concretion is this crab that Im prepping for my friend. Its known as Tumidocarcinus gigantius and is miocene in age.








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Man, you're good!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Thanks a ton fellas, but you are giving me WAY too much credit. I am purty good at prepping, but I am always in too much of a hurry and make too many mistakes. I personaly know of some folks who put me to shame in the prepping department, I just do what I can. Hows that for being honest? So now you really see that when I say all those things about the great rb and all that other bullcrap, I really am being full of snarge. Ha!! I still do like all the attention and alll the compliments though. Thanks


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Thanks a ton fellas, but you are giving me WAY too much credit. I am purty good at prepping, but I am always in too much of a hurry and make too many mistakes. I personaly know of some folks who put me to shame in the prepping department, I just do what I can. Hows that for being honest? So now you really see that when I say all those things about the great rb and all that other bullcrap, I really am being full of snarge. Ha!! I still do like all the attention and alll the compliments though. Thanks


hmm, moments of self reflection amongst the crab nodule preparation - good for you. nothing wrong with being full of snarge, particularly if you're the great rb. as for prepping, once you have the tools and know the techniques, it becomes a matter of do you have the eye, and the patience. the best diplomatic statement i ever heard regarding someone's less-than-stellar handiwork was, "he likes finishing a piece". other than having a not quite perfect eye, that's what i've had to struggle with the most. wanting the job done. your crabs are cool.

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Man that is an awesome crab! That took a good eye to find. From the first pic you can hardly tell what that is. Don't be so modest on your prep work, it looks GREAT! Don't forget to post the finished product when it's done. I would love to see it.

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Thanks everybody. Here are some crabs called Trichopectarian greggi that I found all by my little self. It was quite fun to just walk along the cliffs at the ocean and look for these somewhat round rocks of a certain color and texture and then to pop them open and WOW!!! These two are some of the better ones that I found and really dont need any prep, just a bit of cleaning. Im told it is very difficult to find ones with any legs or claws, but im working on one right now that has one claw for sure and some leg on the leftside. If I get it done today, I will post a photo of it.



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Thanks everybody. Here are some crabs called Trichopectarian greggi that I found all by my little self. It was quite fun to just walk along the cliffs at the ocean and look for these somewhat round rocks of a certain color and texture and then to pop them open and WOW!!! These two are some of the better ones that I found and really dont need any prep, just a bit of cleaning. Im told it is very difficult to find ones with any legs or claws, but im working on one right now that has one claw for sure and some leg on the leftside. If I get it done today, I will post a photo of it.


How do you brake them open without damaging them? Do they brake naturally where they will expose the crab?

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Hey Mommabetts and jimmy1971. Obviously, not all rocks have crabs in them, but when your in a formation that has rocks with crabs in them, then its just a matter of finding the right rocks. Usually its color and texture that gives the rock away, but even then, some of those have nothing in them. The good rocks will have little circles on the sides telling you that those are the crab legs, and then obvioulsy you have a crab that needs lots of prepping. As for those spiny crabs, yes, they just happen to break where the layer of shell material is at. We whack them with a hammer, but starting very lightly so as to reduce the risk of damage. and now, speaking of crabs, here are thefinished photos of the Tumido I prepped for my freind. I didnt do a whole lot more prep, just some miner detail and clean up. Heres you's goes.





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Ok,, That crab where I mention may have on claw and some leg on the left side,, well here it is. This crab was very very difficult to prep because of the shell material being soooooooooo soft and powdery!!! It was contant stopping and gluing to try and hold things together and save as much as possible, but what a friggin chore it was!!! Wheeeeeeew!!!!! The good thing is, I think its better than any of my buddys in NZ have? WooooHooooooo!!!!


Oh, in one of the pictures you can see how I cut of some rock from the top piece and glued them back on to the bottom piece to save the claw, and some of the legs on the left side.




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Ok,, That crab where I mention may have on claw and some leg on the left side,, well here it is. This crab was very very difficult to prep because of the shell material being soooooooooo soft and powdery!!! It was contant stopping and gluing to try and hold things together and save as much as possible, but what a friggin chore it was!!! Wheeeeeeew!!!!! The good thing is, I think its better than any of my buddys in NZ have? WooooHooooooo!!!!


Oh, in one of the pictures you can see how I cut of some rock from the top piece and glued them back on to the bottom piece to save the claw, and some of the legs on the left side.

Man :applause:

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Sweet! The only crab "prep" I've done involved a tiny wooden mallet :P

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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WOWEEEEEEEE RB!!! those are darn amazing! you really did well, im sure it was so much fun ey?! i know your having fun prepping them and i must say that you have got some serious skill...im literally drooling over those pictures! i didnt know there were such nice fossils in NZ!

keep those pictures coming!!!

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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WOWEEEEEEEE RB!!! those are darn amazing! you really did well, im sure it was so much fun ey?! i know your having fun prepping them and i must say that you have got some serious skill...im literally drooling over those pictures! i didnt know there were such nice fossils in NZ!

keep those pictures coming!!!

Thanks Kauffy dude. I have to send this one back to NZ, but thats not so bad because I think I have two more that will put this one to shame? Plus I may have more coming from some other guys I met while in NZ. YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaa!! and yes, there are some great fossils in NZ and I didnt realy get a chance or have the time to check out more places. They have some really great echinoids in that land. Here are some pics of echs that i didnt get a chance to go and find for myself.



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Thanks Kauffy dude. I have to send this one back to NZ, but thats not so bad because I think I have two more that will put this one to shame? Plus I may have more coming from some other guys I met while in NZ. YeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaa!! and yes, there are some great fossils in NZ and I didnt realy get a chance or have the time to check out more places. They have some really great echinoids in that land. Here are some pics of echs that i didnt get a chance to go and find for myself.


wow those are nice... i guess theres always next time ey? :P

"Turn the fear of the unknown into the excitment of possibility!"

We dont stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

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wow those are nice... i guess theres always next time ey? :P

Hey Kauffy, I plan on going back in 4 years to do it again, but with more time. You will be older then and maybe have some money. If so, lets get together at my buddy's house in NZ and make a grand trip of it. I already know where some great sites are and can get more. Also, my NZ buddy and his wife may be coming over here to Montana in May of 2010 and we plan on doing the plant site, the fish quarry and then off to the trilo sites in Utah. That will be a dream come true for them because they have always wanted to dig for the Green River fish, the other sites will be a bonus for them. It amazes me just how much fun can be had in this world all because I like to dig in the dirt like a little kid! Can life get any better? I think not!!!

Oh, and here is a picture of me and my twin bro and some auzi babes. We cant always play in the dirt, can we? Heh,,,heh,,,, WooooooHoooooooo!!!!



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Ok,, That crab where I mention may have on claw and some leg on the left side,, well here it is. This crab was very very difficult to prep because of the shell material being soooooooooo soft and powdery!!! It was contant stopping and gluing to try and hold things together and save as much as possible, but what a friggin chore it was!!! Wheeeeeeew!!!!! The good thing is, I think its better than any of my buddys in NZ have? WooooHooooooo!!!!


Oh, in one of the pictures you can see how I cut of some rock from the top piece and glued them back on to the bottom piece to save the claw, and some of the legs on the left side.

WOW that is an awesome great job!!!!!!!

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great job on the prep RB, you must be prepping 24/7! Those Trichopectarian crabs are soooooo cool, just love all the little spines all over the place.

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Hey Kauffy, I plan on going back in 4 years to do it again, but with more time. You will be older then and maybe have some money. If so, lets get together at my buddy's house in NZ and make a grand trip of it. I already know where some great sites are and can get more. Also, my NZ buddy and his wife may be coming over here to Montana in May of 2010 and we plan on doing the plant site, the fish quarry and then off to the trilo sites in Utah. That will be a dream come true for them because they have always wanted to dig for the Green River fish, the other sites will be a bonus for them. It amazes me just how much fun can be had in this world all because I like to dig in the dirt like a little kid! Can life get any better? I think not!!!

Oh, and here is a picture of me and my twin bro and some auzi babes. We cant always play in the dirt, can we? Heh,,,heh,,,, WooooooHoooooooo!!!!


Man, you know me, I'm very prudent, and I never knew how ask you a picture with your twin brother, I couldn't imagine the image, but you make me the gift, Two The Great RB !!!

BTW you are right or left? :P

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