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I've been couped up for too long inside with all the work I have to do in Grad school on the computer :angry: and would love to be able to get out and hunt! :D I live in the Baltimore area MD area but wouldn't mind driving to VA, WV, PA, OH, NJ or DE. Just not too far away :D I normally get my fill of fossils by going to Lee Creek once a season but it was canceled this year.

I normally hunt Chesapeake beach and down near Calvert and around that area. I also hunt at Purse state park (liverpool) and at Lee Creek, NC and Greenmill Run. I've hunted at St. Clair and Red hill, even the York river. I'm a little tired of what I find in these areas. I'd love to go to a land site and find something different or even go to a new place. I have all the gear for almost everything but to scale down the side of a mountain. :D

I was wondering if anyone could suggest a place where we could go hunting at? Since I am done with this semester, I will have time to hunt. So let me know if anyone is interested. I'd love to get a couple of people together to go.

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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No one at all is interested in a trip???

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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It's a little chilly in the north east right now. If you have time you might consider heading for the creeks in Florida.

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No one at all is interested in a trip???

I'm interested, but I'm also in retail; the next three weeks will determine whether I can keep chugging along here, or have an opportunity to go fossiling full-time...

I have to admit that having regular meals is highly motivating!

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I'm interested, but I'm also in retail; the next three weeks will determine whether I can keep chugging along here, or have an opportunity to go fossiling full-time...

I have to admit that having regular meals is highly motivating!

Reality what a concept.....

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Hey Phoenix.

I know we've tried to meet up in the past and never got around to it. I still would like to do it in the future, but not sure I will get to PA this year. Let's keep in touch, so we can do something early next year..


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I pretty much hunt the same places that you have been going, so no need to expand on those. Have you been to the C&D Canal Cretaceous sites? If not, then they're worth a good day trip. There are sharks teeth, but rare. Mostly you get belemnites, bivalves and gastropods. I haven't been there in a long time but would be willing to go again.

I've been intrigued by the streams in NJ for sharks teeth, etc. Some day I'd like to get up there.

Kevin Wilson

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I've been couped up for too long inside with all the work I have to do in Grad school on the computer :angry: and would love to be able to get out and hunt! :D I live in the Baltimore area MD area but wouldn't mind driving to VA, WV, PA, OH, NJ or DE. Just not too far away :D I normally get my fill of fossils by going to Lee Creek once a season but it was canceled this year.

I normally hunt Chesapeake beach and down near Calvert and around that area. I also hunt at Purse state park (liverpool) and at Lee Creek, NC and Greenmill Run. I've hunted at St. Clair and Red hill, even the York river. I'm a little tired of what I find in these areas. I'd love to go to a land site and find something different or even go to a new place. I have all the gear for almost everything but to scale down the side of a mountain. :D

I was wondering if anyone could suggest a place where we could go hunting at? Since I am done with this semester, I will have time to hunt. So let me know if anyone is interested. I'd love to get a couple of people together to go.

What have you got going on tomorrow?

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Sounds like Fat Boy and Phoenixflood have "Explorer Fever"!

Gotta' discover that new (stratigraphic) horizon...

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I'm interested, but I'm also in retail; the next three weeks will determine whether I can keep chugging along here, or have an opportunity to go fossiling full-time...

I have to admit that having regular meals is highly motivating!

Yeah, Auspex, regular meals sound like a good deal to me! We'll catch up hopefully in Feb or sometime later to go check out that roadcut, if you still would like. I'm also not against going somewhere along the Potomac. I'm just finally free for a couple of weeks with no Grad school so I thought I'd take advantage of it.

Most likely I'll hit up the Willows if no one else has any suggestions. I'll be warm enough, unlike some, COUGH,.PaleoRon, :D erhmm, my passion for fossils keeps me warm enough! :P Cold, HA, I live and breathe cold! That and I have chest waders and a lot of layers :D I've been know to hunt with the waves lapping ice at my feet. B) Yeah, I'm that cool. It was just one of those days. It didn't help that the fossils were frozen to the sand though :rolleyes:


Yeah, I'd love to go do something. It's been so long I think I lost your info. :P Shoot me a pm with your email or ask me any info you need. The best thing for me is to pick a date giving me at least 2 weeks advance, that's so I can finish any papers or projects that are due before I hunt.

Fat Boy

I've heard of C&D, but never got that excited about it. :( Thanks though!!! :D I wouldn't mind hunting those creeks you're talking about. If you find an Eocene site in NJ you let me know! I thought there might be one up there??? Let's see if Auspex reads this, terror birds anyone??? :P;) If we could find someone that knew a great river for a lot of teeth I'd make the journey. Also any for any fields for artifacts!!!!


Tomorrow, Friday Dec 5th, I have a date :D with the girl I've been seeing for 5 years. We actually have more time together now as well. I'm trying to get her into fossil hunting. So far so good. She went to Lee Creek with me last year and had a ball!

I work Saturday, but I think this Sunday is pretty much free. Pm and let me know if there are any days coming up that are good for you and if there are any new places around MD or close to MD that I haven't mentioned.

Thanks all!

The soul of a Fossil Hunter is one that is seeking, always.

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