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Preserving Fossils (Accidental Thread)


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Sorry I created this thread and immediately found it already existed...I don't know how to delete it. Sorry!

Edited by koscojo
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Don't do it!

I'm attaching a couple of .pdfs that you might find useful.

You don't say what material you're trying to preserve (and that makes a difference), but you'll want to use something that's reversible, doesn't cross-link, and ages well. Waxes such as commercial floor waxes are going to yellow and degrade over time.

For many materials, Butvar (see the chart, attached) is a good option. It's not expensive, it's readily available, and you can choose a grade that's soluble in alcohol or in acetone, both of which are easy to find.



Wendell Ricketts
Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology

The "InvertebrateMe" blog

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Wendell Ricketts
Fossil News: The Journal of Avocational Paleontology

The "InvertebrateMe" blog

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Don't do it!

I'm attaching a couple of .pdfs that you might find useful.

You don't say what material you're trying to preserve (and that makes a difference), but you'll want to use something that's reversible, doesn't cross-link, and ages well. Waxes such as commercial floor waxes are going to yellow and degrade over time.

For many materials, Butvar (see the chart, attached) is a good option. It's not expensive, it's readily available, and you can choose a grade that's soluble in alcohol or in acetone, both of which are easy to find.



I went to a professor at a local university and he suggested floor wax. I bought some Holloway House Quick Shine Floor Finish and I am unsure how to apply it. Yellowing? Yeesh...I guess I don't know how else to preserve them because they are beginning to severely crack.

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What type of fossil are you trying to preserve? One that would need floor wax sounds intriguing.... :)

Edited by Missourian

Context is critical.

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What type of fossil are you trying to preserve? One that would need floor wax sounds intriguing.... :)

I have several. An unidentified rib, a bison vertebra, half of a bison skull, etc. These were all found in a sandbar near a river. They're all beginning to crack.

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Non-detergent plastic polymer clear floor polish can be used for modern bone - most of the big animal skull suppliers use it to finish their products - but I wouldn't use it on a fossil.

Edited by RichW9090

The plural of "anecdote" is not "evidence".

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