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Real Mammoth Tusk?


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Would this be a real mammoth tusk? I've got an opportunity to purchase this one but i'm a bit hesitant to fork over $500 for something that might be fake. Tusk is approx. 30 inch long (38 along the curve) with some sort of restoration on the close up pic. Thanks for any help :)





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do you have an extreme close up image of the big end?


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Hmmm, not possible to decide from a photo. That looks like the preservation found in the North Sea area....not North America or of most from Siberia.

The price is inexpensive for having a complete tip. I personally wouldn't buy it except from the original finder or if I'd I could verify its complete history. A lot of this type of specimen is part real/ part restored. The info on it is likely passed on and not verifiable. Also, sometimes a seller is not knowingly selling a fake...they just don't know themselves.

Get it if you like it as a display piece but not necessarily as an all genuine mammouth tusk. There aren't any 'experts' on all mammouth ivory preservation. Someone could verify exposed parts as genuine, etc but beyond that it gets 'iffy'. This is why best to have photos when found, specific locale, etc.

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30 inches is just the tip of a Mammoth tusk isn't it? I thought they were more like 80 inches to 120 inches long..

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30 inches is just the tip of a Mammoth tusk isn't it? I thought they were more like 80 inches to 120 inches long..

The largest tusk known from woolly mammoth is 14 feet long, but that's exceptional and almost double the norm. Female tusks were smaller... typically 5 - 6 feet.


I keep six honest serving-men (they taught me all I knew);Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who [Rudyard Kipling]

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