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Crab From Heck !


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Is the crab silicified? If it is, acid will take the calcite off very quickly.

Brent Ashcraft

ashcraft, brent allen

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Ive never seen soooooo much white calcite in my LIFE!!! Most of it is comin off, but Im gunna have to work to get it all off. Here is an update photo with about 6 more hours of prep from the last photo on this thread. I took a couple of days off from prep and got some house stuff done. Its amazing to me how 6 more hours of prep and it doesnt look all that different from the last photo? But getting these things 3-D is very time consuming. The left arm on this crab is litteraly covered with calcite and it also looks to have some problems, but maybe tomorrow I will find the nerve to atack that arm and see how it comes out. I still have about 6 to 10 hours more prep on this crab, and Im still tryin to figure out if I should expose the underside of the claws? Hmmmmmmmm,,,,, it sure would be cool,, just alot more work. Dang! enjoy


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i hereby dub you, "guy who has much more patience than tracer"! and i admire your infortinal testitude.

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Ok everybody. I was out in the garage this morning at 7:20 and went to work. I did do a bit more 3-D'ing, then I got to work smoothing out the rock. It went much faster than I had anticipated which was quite nice. When I was happy with that part, I got to work with the airabrasive. That did help, but only so much. There are lots of problems with this crab and lots of little mistakes that I made, and I should just toss this hunk of snarge into the trash can, but all in all, I like it a hole bunch!!! And not only that, Ive got another one started already and its already lookin good! WooooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!


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Ok everybody. I was out in the garage this morning at 7:20 and went to work. I did do a bit more 3-D'ing, then I got to work smoothing out the rock. It went much faster than I had anticipated which was quite nice. When I was happy with that part, I got to work with the airabrasive. That did help, but only so much. There are lots of problems with this crab and lots of little mistakes that I made, and I should just toss this hunk of snarge into the trash can, but all in all, I like it a hole bunch!!! And not only that, Ive got another one started already and its already lookin good! WooooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!


once again you live up to your name! very very nice prep job!

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Ok everybody. I was out in the garage this morning at 7:20 and went to work. I did do a bit more 3-D'ing, then I got to work smoothing out the rock. It went much faster than I had anticipated which was quite nice. When I was happy with that part, I got to work with the airabrasive. That did help, but only so much. There are lots of problems with this crab and lots of little mistakes that I made, and I should just toss this hunk of snarge into the trash can, but all in all, I like it a hole bunch!!! And not only that, Ive got another one started already and its already lookin good! WooooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!


That looks really nice, great job!!!!! And if by some chance you do decide to toss it in the trash, I will take out your trash for you. :D

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i like it. it's almost as cool as your irrational exuberance.

I was told by a guy many years ago that my excitement and anthuzyasum, (hows that for spelling?), would disapear with time. I DONT THIK SO!!! This fella did the fossil hunting, prepping, collecting and selling very hard for 12 years and then perty much called it quits. Ive been going for about 17 years now, adn the only thing thats gunna slow me down is my health or an unfortunate accident! Heck, Ive already slowed waaaay down and I still find cool stuff!!! YeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!


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That looks delicious. Great job! I would have never thought a crab was in that block.

Yes you would. If you were there in New Zealand at the same formation I was at, you would start to look for a certain concretion. Some are obvious and other just have little brown circular lines showing where the legs come to the outside of the rock on both sides. The hard (but super fun and exciting) part is prepping them. Its truly amazing to me to watch a good one come out of the rock like this one. Im glad I could share it with you folks.


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the only crab i'll find is at the Red Lobster :P . But I did find some claw tips in Maryland. One of them looks different from the rest and has a strange brown and white pattern on it. It might be a leg piece. I'll post some pics and maybe you can help identify.

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the only crab i'll find is at the Red Lobster :P . But I did find some claw tips in Maryland. One of them looks different from the rest and has a strange brown and white pattern on it. It might be a leg piece. I'll post some pics and maybe you can help identify.

Hey fella, your talkin to the wrong guy. I do love finding and prepping crabs, but I dont do the study thing. I leave that for other folks. You can show me this claw tip or that crab leg or even a piece of carapace, but Im sure I wouldnt have a clue as to what species it is let along Genus!!!??? Im after really nice eye appealing, show stopping specimens. Im sure I even have some crabs that I forgot what they heck they are called. But anyways, good luck in all your fossil hunting adventures.


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Hey fella, your talkin to the wrong guy. I do love finding and prepping crabs, but I dont do the study thing. I leave that for other folks. You can show me this claw tip or that crab leg or even a piece of carapace, but Im sure I wouldnt have a clue as to what species it is let along Genus!!!??? Im after really nice eye appealing, show stopping specimens. Im sure I even have some crabs that I forgot what they heck they are called. But anyways, good luck in all your fossil hunting adventures.


What a shame. All that prep work and you won't even know what it is. good luck with your crabs.
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What a shame. All that prep work and you won't even know what it is. good luck with your crabs.

Sounds like I may have upset you? That was not my intent if I did. I didnt mean to sound like I would not help you, its just that I dont study these things, plus it would be tuff for most folks to try and ID a crab by a claw or leg or such, especialy for someone who doesnt know the formation. But I do know what this crab is, plus I do know the Genus and names of many more that I have. This crab is Tumidocarcinus giganteus and is early Miocene in age. the only reason I know that is not because ive studied it, but because ive always wanted one. The real shame is someone trying to chisle out one of these gorgeous crabs and destroying it!!! Ive seen that!!! Why would you say, "what a shame"? Im trying to keep my blood presure from going up at the moment!!!


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garcon! another root beer for this gentleman with the nodule dust all over him! put it on my tab.

speaking of which, didja hear about the duck that went into a pharmacy and asked for a chapstick?

cashier placed a chapstick on the counter and asked, "will that be cash or charge?"

the duck replied, "put it on my bill."

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Ok everybody. I was out in the garage this morning at 7:20 and went to work. I did do a bit more 3-D'ing, then I got to work smoothing out the rock. It went much faster than I had anticipated which was quite nice. When I was happy with that part, I got to work with the airabrasive. That did help, but only so much. There are lots of problems with this crab and lots of little mistakes that I made, and I should just toss this hunk of snarge into the trash can, but all in all, I like it a hole bunch!!! And not only that, Ive got another one started already and its already lookin good! WooooooooHooooooooo!!!!!!


Well done , RB !!!! :applause:

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Man That sure turned out nice, Got me wishing I could find me a crab fossil now lol..

Congrats on a nice piece and great prep work,and thanks for taking us thru the process in the play by play


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