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Gainesville Creek Hunt.

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Went to Gainesville for awhile with Jason and hunted one of the creeks in the upper Hogtown basin. We found some nice shark teeth and I had a good time too. Thanks Jason. B)B)B):D


It's my bone!!!

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I really like the colors on those teeth! I hope to make it down to Gainesville some time in the spring.

If you believe everything you read, perhaps it's time for you to stop reading...

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Lets do it again soon! Maybe this weekend if you're up for it. Here's some more of that day's mineralized dead stuff. The big clam-shaped object is a hyperostotic bone (AKA Tilly bone, named in honer of the Harvard paleontologist Tilly Edinger) from a fish. This one is the biggest Tilly bone I've found so far.

If anyone knows what that weird looking dark fossil is, located in the upper left side just above a ray tooth plate, let me know. I haven't the foggiest. It looks like petrified do-do, but is oddly symmetrical and has a flat side (underneath).

Fossil hunting is always a good excuse to spend a cool fall day outside, trudging through the creeks! :)



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Guest N.AL.hunter

We'll be down there hunting for one day with Anson and Cris on December 27th, a Saturday. We will be camping at Oleno State Park. We hope to find some goodies too, if there will be any left over. I have a couple of people with me that have never found a shark's tooth before, so they are already sort-of excited by the prospect. Your pictures only reinforce their anticipation.

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Lets do it again soon! Maybe this weekend if you're up for it. Here's some more of that day's mineralized dead stuff. The big clam-shaped object is a hyperostotic bone (AKA Tilly bone, named in honer of the Harvard paleontologist Tilly Edinger) from a fish. This one is the biggest Tilly bone I've found so far.

If anyone knows what that weird looking dark fossil is, located in the upper left side just above a ray tooth plate, let me know. I haven't the foggiest. It looks like petrified do-do, but is oddly symmetrical and has a flat side (underneath).

Fossil hunting is always a good excuse to spend a cool fall day outside, trudging through the creeks! :)


Sure maybe Sunday. Call me.

It's my bone!!!

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this is a true story (notice i didn't say a good story).

once upon a time, my family, led by me, were passing by gainesville, and i had heard shark teeth were there in the creeks, and so i just drove into gainesville and drove around until i found a creek and let tj go find shark teeth in it for maybe an hour and then we left. never been there before, and never been back. he just found a few little teeth. it was sort of a "drive-by shark toothing" thing. kind of surreal. i guess i'm not really all that sure we actually did it. i mean the sign said gainesville and all. we weren't even there long enough to greet any gainesvillians. this post is going nowhere fast. and it's not even hump day yet.

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Lets do it again soon! Maybe this weekend if you're up for it. Here's some more of that day's mineralized dead stuff. The big clam-shaped object is a hyperostotic bone (AKA Tilly bone, named in honer of the Harvard paleontologist Tilly Edinger) from a fish. This one is the biggest Tilly bone I've found so far.

If anyone knows what that weird looking dark fossil is, located in the upper left side just above a ray tooth plate, let me know. I haven't the foggiest. It looks like petrified do-do, but is oddly symmetrical and has a flat side (underneath).

Fossil hunting is always a good excuse to spend a cool fall day outside, trudging through the creeks! :)


Nice finds.

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  • New Members
Nice finds.

HI, I'm new to Gainesville and would love to go on one of these creek expeditions! I live near Hogstown Creek and went for a wade through there this morning but didn't find anything. I don't think I have the eye for it yet, would love to learn from someone with experience. If anyone is up for some company, let me know.



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Guest bmorefossil

may i be the first to welcome you to the forum, you should introduce yourself to the other members of the forum, just post a topic in the member introduction section.

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nicole - welcome to the forum. i am not from gainesville, but know that if you carefully search and maybe sift gravel from the creeks there, you will find interesting things.

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welcome nicole! I'm not from gville, but have family there so I visit often. I would love to setup some time with fellow creekers. Anyone up for a group hunt soon? Maybe this weekend the 17th or 18th?

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