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How Addicted Are We?


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Hello everyone! I don't know if this title suits this question. My friends and family constantly tell me I am greatly addicted to fossils. My question to you is how much do you go out of your way for fossils and how much of your free time or work time is dedicated for the awesome hobby of fossil hunting. I, in my mind, never can go fossil hunting and I will go at any free chance I have and never seize to stop until my mother makes me. So, how obsessed are you? :zzzzscratchchin:

: )

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my fossiling contributed to the demise of my first marriage! fortunately fossils reinforce things this time around (?)


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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Well let's see:

  • My wife's opinion of this hobby led to my screen name
  • I bought a boat just for fossil hunting
  • I then had to buy a bigger truck to pull the boat
  • I have flown to California and back more than once just to collect fossils
  • My kids have asked if we could just once go on a vacation without fossiling as the real goal
  • When I request time off from work they never ask what I'm going to do, just "where I'm collecting this time"

I don't think I'm addicted at all! :D

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Whenever we I am on vacation with my family it is enevitable that there will be no fossil hunting. I just won't allow it. ^_^

: )

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im meant to be self employed, this means lately not getting any work done, or at least very little. latest plan is to aim my work at/around fossils dinosaurs. last 2 months been going 3/4 times a week and i still want more.

the only beaches I go with my family are ones I can fossil on, sometimes discreetly looking when no one is looking.

was not really interested in holidays abroad......now i am because they can be fossil holidays :)

and i seem to dream about fossil hunting quite often, normally at the beach and find a hot spot where the finds are just amazing!!! is it normal to dream about finding fossils?

im not the most obsessed person but if i carry on at the same rate im worried where i will be in 10 years time!

i already want to camp on the beach so i can hunt all day every day!

dam fossils! lol

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ever hug your woman and get busted for scanning the ground for fossils behind her at the same time? me neither (?), although i hear it works better if you are taller than your woman (advice to young collectors)


Daniel A. Wöhr aus Südtexas

"To the motivated go the spoils."

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ever hug your woman and get busted for scanning the ground for fossils behind her at the same time? me neither (?), although i hear it works better if you are taller than your woman (advice to young collectors)

Happened to me once

Women have a long memory !!


Flash from the Past (Show Us Your Fossils)
MAPS Fossil Show

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I have to have a few meteorites and or fossils on me, in my pockets, every day, I would be very uneasy if I didn't have these in my pockets. :) ...and it is a rare day also that I look at them, they just get carried around w me every day. I have to have a hammer and chisel in the house, another set in the car, boots in the trunk and collecting gear on the back seat.

mostly I am thinking about fossils, and looking at them at home, or browsing this forum, or showing my GF some fossil I have only shown her 3 times before, or working on a fossil carving, or trying to cab some fossils, I guess it is just a hobby :)

"Your serpent of Egypt is bred now of your mud by the operation of your sun; so is your crocodile." Lepidus

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I have to have a few meteorites and or fossils on me, in my pockets, every day, I would be very uneasy if I didn't have these in my pockets. :) ...and it is a rare day also that I look at them, they just get carried around w me every day. I have to have a hammer and chisel in the house, another set in the car, boots in the trunk and collecting gear on the back seat.

mostly I am thinking about fossils, and looking at them at home, or browsing this forum, or showing my GF some fossil I have only shown her 3 times before, or working on a fossil carving, or trying to cab some fossils, I guess it is just a hobby :)

"Yesssss, my preciousssss!"

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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I once got in an argument with my now ex-wife because she didn't understand why I "wanted to play with stupid little rocks all the time." It took me the rest of the 4hr car ride home (from fossil hunting in western KS) to recover from that crushing blow. She didn't share my excitement over the mosasaur tooth I found. Can you believe that! Like danwoehr, fossils played a part in my marriage's demise. But on the plus side, my basement is currently being retrofited with a prep room and more storage! B) Can anyone say MAN CAVE!!! :D

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I develop a bad tick when I have to drive past a road cut without stopping.

Just this subject has me twitching.

Oh, and I can quit anytime...

PS, I still get the "playing with dead things" comments from my better half but she also knows I am totally passionate about more than just the fossils themselves and my work with the paleo society and outreach is important and she likes to brag about how I am the president of the local paleo society.

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I quit my job and volunteered at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science just so I could work in the Paleontology Collections room.

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Whenever I am walking through the woods or even by rocks me eyes are practicaly glued to the ground. The thought of something being there and me not finding it is unbearable. I once went hiking in New Mexico with some people. I was the navagator and head in line. I got my team lost once or twice by my head looking at the ground and not the signs. Altogether, during the 10 day backpacking trip I ended up with twenty leaf and fish fossils. A few days ago I even had one of those horrible dreams where you are finding so many great fossils anywhere and everywhere and then you wake up still with a little taste of pure delite. Whenever I sit down anywhere and am bored or just thinking the first Thing my mind wanders to is fossils.

Edited by Survivor

: )

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I always am scanning the rocks around speakers and windows at the local drive thru's! Sometimes you find a neat fossil, and I have been honked at more then once after getting out of my car to pick up my find. :P

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This is a scary topic....

By any chance is anyone going to the Fossil collectors anonymous meeting next Tuesday and could I bum a ride with you?

Regards, Chris

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I say everyone else is obsessed with not collecting fossils.... :P

Context is critical.

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I quit my job and volunteered at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science just so I could work in the Paleontology Collections room.

I've got the same idea, Sully, volunteering in the Collections department at PRI.

Hey, if a fossil is buried in a collection without proper cataloging and curation, it's as much of a discovery to bring it to modern standards as bringing in a new specimen from the field, right? And it's a lot more convenient than traveling around the world to get them! :)

Edited by MarleysGh0st
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I swear, when I go by Outcrops that look promising, I can hear a very high pitch voices of little cephalopods yelling “Come Find US we are here waiting for you” no one else in the car seems to hear it, I don’t know why?

Me too. I assumed that was tinnitus.

Context is critical.

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During season, I go fossil hunting 3-4 times a week (2 hour drive, 1.5 hours kayak, 6-7 hours shoveling gravel, repeat kayak/car, clean everything up for next trip. The only reason that I do not go every day is my body breaks down after 2 and /1/2 days straight.

Last April on a hunting trip alone, I was digging in the middle of a 50 foot river when I noticed a 7-8 foot gator moving upstream just off the east bank. I started to get nervous when the gator got to within 25 feet of my position and paused. It crawled up on the east bank, turned and looked directly at me. I kept on digging, it kept on watching. After 30 minutes, it laid its head on the bank closing its eyes. As I was packing to go 3 hours later, the gator open its eyes and slid into the water just before I slid into my kayak. I was finding some very nice lower hemis!!

Addicted? Not I! :drool:

The White Queen  ".... in her youth she could believe "six impossible things before breakfast"

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Shell seeker, want to trade a Grizzly for your gator.? Know the feeling. There is a great overnight backpack trip here...first night camped in around a small lake that fills a glacier cirque.....one eye might be watching momma and her cubs munching wildflowers in the distance, the other looking at the rocks. However, not as addicted as you...not 25 feet but 400 or so.

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