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Is There Any Such Thing!?


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Is there any such thing as the 'perfect' fossil crab? There must be. I know there are. Ive seen 4 in my lifetime and have heard about others. How many crabs does a person have to prep to find that perfect crab? Its got to be in the hundreds cause ive been through quite a few over the years! Anyways, I had high hope for this crab, but now im getting a case of the doldrums. The first left leg on this guy is coming way up and then back down making for some future problems, its got a worse case of calcite than the last crab I did, and the left claw tip/s may be missing!!! Im already thinking of tossing this one away!!! Just kidding, if I put it aside because of all the problems, I will save it for one of my kids to practice on. But thats a worse case senario. I will find out tomorrow if the left claw tips are missing, then I will make a decision weather or not to go on prepping. This wanting a perfect crab is beginning to suck!!! I could have bought one of these crabs several years ago at Tucson that was quite large and had a huge male claw and seemed to be perfect, but the guy wanted $6,600 bucks for the dang thing! I cant see spending that kind of money when I want the fun to at least prep it. I may have to go back to New Zealand? Im gunna have to start a 'Put money in the pot for RB going back to NZ'.



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Finish prepping it, and sell it for enough money to go back and get more. B)

"There has been an alarming increase in the number of things I know nothing about." - Ashleigh Ellwood Brilliant

“Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.” - Thomas Henry Huxley

>Paleontology is an evolving science.

>May your wonders never cease!

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Finish prepping it, and sell it for enough money to go back and get more. B)

How come I didnt think of that? I must have 'crab' on the brain. Tomorrow is my last day of prepping though. Its gunna get REAL COLD after that!!! I dont think I will get it done.


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i'm kinda getting into this now, and you're gonna quit?! i mean, i've mentally become an assistant crab prepper, and the party's over?! you can't find the perfect one if you're not going at 'em. it's time to establish an indoor prepping station.

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i'm kinda getting into this now, and you're gonna quit?! i mean, i've mentally become an assistant crab prepper, and the party's over?! you can't find the perfect one if you're not going at 'em. it's time to establish an indoor prepping station.

Jesus you are funny!!! My wife just asked me what I was laughing outloud about? But an indoor prep place is out of the question, very sad to say. An assistant crab prepper? Where in tarnation were you today? If this keeps up, I may have to let you go. I need someone there when I need them man!!!! I was starting to cry and getting a runny nose and needed a kleenex!!!


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what do you mean, "out of the question"? we've put people on an international space station - surely we can configure indoor crab prepping. and don't put too much pressure on me about being funny. it makes me get stage fright and have a strong urge to pee and run away, not necessarily in that order. i think i was funny when i was young but now i'm so addle-pated that i can't remember if i've said stuff before, which is why i just have to go with stream-of-lunacy retorting because i can't remember if i've said stuff before. i'm getting kind of addle-pated.

there is a really funny side to not remembering snarge. the funniest part is when people act mad at you over something from the past and you have no idea at all what it is, so you're perfectly happy with them. that's really funny, if you think about it. people expect you to hold grudges like they do, but you couldn't even if you wanted too. you have to admit, that's a hoot. this is the second day in a row that i've seemed real lame to myself. that's a problem...

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Guest bmorefossil

i dont see why you can't find more that are perfect, some times of the year along the cliffs i will see a few hundred dead crabs being tossed around by the waves and they still remain whole.

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The wife doesn't need that big brand spankin new beautiful log bedroom with the attached bathroom and all that jazz, I think you should convert it into a prep room while there's still time!!! Or maybe put a wood stove in your garage!

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