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South Carolina Eocine/miocene Help With Ids


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I was hunting down in the SC summerville area and doing a lit of sifting for smaller / unusual things and seem to have found them. Any help with IDs would be great!






I am not sure what this is, a tooth? The material seems like enamel.






I am at a loss for this one.

Thanks again!

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Second one; maybe a wrasse mouth plate?

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I believe the first tooth appears to be from either the Sciaenidae family (the drums) or the Sparidae family (the grunts). Isolated teeth like that are said to be difficult to determine to species without a portion of the pharyngeal grinding mill or jaw that it came from. This is according to an article in the Paster Jacket series (No. 7; Feb. 1968) by Camm Swift and Elizabeth Wing. I've found quite a few teeth similar to the one in the photo, fine sieving stuff from mid-miocene material recently.

I don't know what teleost the other item came from.

Nice little fossils though!

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I have something identical to the second fossil that I found in Summerville as well. I was also wondering what the heck it was.

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Guest bmorefossil
I have something identical to the second fossil that I found in Summerville as well. I was also wondering what the heck it was.

is it exactly the same or does yours have more or less to it?

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Wow, What a response! Thank you all for your help. I wondered if the first might be a tooth from something like a drum. The second one I was at a total loss.

Usually when in SC I go looking for the 'big' stuff but I think I had more fun looking through the little stuff!

I don't currently have more pictures of the plate, but will get more up soon. Although, you can see it in greater detail @

catalog of small things along with a few other things from that trip. The catalog isn't finished yet though.

Thanks again all!

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Guest bmorefossil
Usually when in SC I go looking for the 'big' stuff but I think I had more fun looking through the little stuff!

thats why you got to have a eye for everything, i love my megs but when i see a seal molar boy does it make me happy. Or in your case when i see fish jaws its just as good as finding a nice tooth.

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